Freaky Friday
Do Now
Amy's Halloween Secret
Reading: I will identify the main idea details of an article.
Writing: I will be able to independently identify the meaning of AAAWWUBBIS words.
Quick Write
Warm Up
In your journal, write a sentence for each of the AAAWWUBBIS words.
If you could build a tree house in the middle of the forest, what would it look like? What would be inside of it?
Then, pick 3 of your sentences and write them on the board using the magnetic strips.
Inspiration: "I like to eat candy", "I can't go outside",
"She tells me what to do", "I was late for school".....
Thankful Thursday
Exit Ticket
Do Now
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
Amy's Holloween Secret
Reading: I will read a new drama.
Writing: I will study the meaning and correct usage of AAAWWUBBIS words.
Quick Write
Warm Up
introducing a conditional clause.
"If I drive you to the store tonight, you must drive me tomorrow"
What is one thing you wish you could change in your bedroom?
for the reason that: because.
-Since I was unable to find my phone, I must buy a new one.
Exit TIcket
Independent Reading
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
Read INDIVIDUALLY, write down important information and questions in your journal.
Wondrous Wednesday
Do Now
Amy's Halloween Secret
Reading: I will identify the important details in a text.
Writing: I will study the meaning and correct usage of AAAWWUBBIS words.
Until, Because, Before
Quick Write
Warm Up
Twisty Tuesday
up to the time or point that.
for the reason that; since.
Would you be willing to replace your friend in prison like Damon?
during the period of time preceding (a particular event, date, or time)
best friends
Use sentence strips (simple sentences) and add "until," "because," or "before" to connect them together.
Do Now
Damon and Pythias
Exit Ticket
Reading: I will use multiple plays to compare the elements of drama
Writing: I will study the meaning and correct usage of AAAWWUBBIS words.
"Amy's Halloween
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
Context Clues
MOTHER [In tears]: Pythias, it will take you two days to get back. Stay another day, I beg you!
PYTHIAS: I dare not stay longer, Mother. Remember, Damon is locked up in my prison cell while I’m gone. Please don’t weep for me. My death may help bring better days for all our people.
Based on this dialogue, what kind of person is Pythias?
a. he is a bad friend
b. he is a coward (doesn't have courage)
c. he is selfish, only thinks about himself
d. he is an honest man
PYTHIAS: I’ll give you my money, only don’t delay me any longer. I am to die by the king’s order three days from now. If I don’t return on time, my friend must die in my place.
FIRST ROBBER: A likely story! What man would be fool enough to go back to prison ready to die?
SECOND ROBBER: And what man would be fool enough to die for you?
FIRST ROBBER: We’ll take your money, all right. And we’ll tie you up while we get away.
What can we learn about the robbers from this passage?
Why did the First Voice say that the longer the king lived, the more miserable his peoples' lives would be?
Quick Write
While, When
Warm Up
during the time that; at the same time as.
"While I was on duty working as a teacher, I met a good friend."
"I wish my teacher knew that..."
"During the time of my life when I worked as a teacher, I met a good friend."
Use sentence strips (simple sentences) and add "while" or "when" to connect them together.
Throne: a fancy chair that a king sits on
Sicily: an island south of Italy
Tyrant: a cruel and oppressive ruler.
Traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
Cell: prison room
Damon and Pythias
Exit Ticket
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
1. What can you tell about Pythias from his behavior when he challenges the king?
a. he is afraid of the king
b. he doesn't know the laws
c. he will fight for what is right
d. he likes to gossip
2. What kind of person is the king? How do you know? Write 3 sentences in your journal.
3. Discussion: Why do you think the author added "voices"? How do they make you think about friendship?
Context Clues
"The noise in the gym escalated when the basketball player scored the winning basket."
a. increased
b. decreased
c. lessened
The smell of the skunk was so vivid, we knew it had to be near.
a. weak
b. powerful
c. dull
Moody Monday
Do now
Reading: I will use multiple plays to compare the elements of drama.
Writing: I will study the meaning and correct usage of AAAWWUBBIS words.
Quick Write
After, although, as
Warm Up
during the period of time following an event
"After I finished my homework, my mom let me play video games."
in spite of the fact that....
Which student in our class would be the best to lead us through the zombie apocalypse?
"Although the sun was shining, it wasn't that warm"
at the same time
"As I walked out the door, it started raining."
Use sentence strips (simple sentences) and add "after", "although" or "as" to connect them together.
Exit Ticket
Damon and Pythias
Throne: a fancy chair that a king sits on
Sicily: an island south of Italy
Tyrant: a cruel and oppressive ruler.
Traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
Cell: prison room
1. Clean your area.
2. Answer the exit ticket.
3. Stay in your assigned seat until the bell.
1. What can you tell about Pythias from his behavior when he challenges the king?
a. he is afraid of the king
b. he doesn't know the laws
c. he will fight for what is right
d. he likes to gossip
2. What kind of person is the king? How do you know? Write 3 sentences in your journal.
3. Discussion: Why do you think the author added "voices"? How do they make you think about friendship?
Context Clues
"Meanwhile, when Pythias reached the home of his family, he arranged his business affairs so that his mother and sister would be able to live comfortably for the rest of their years. Then he said a last farewell to them before starting back to the city. "
The word "farewell" in this paragraph means:
a. goodbye speech
b. joke
c. poem
d. welcome speech
Week Summary
Monday: Damon and Pythias, AAA practice.
Tuesday: Damon and Pythias, WW practice.
Wednesday: Achieve 3000, U and BB practice.
Thursday: Novio Boy independent reading, I and S practice.
Friday: Reading A-Z, full AAAWWUBBIS practice.
ELAR 10.22-10.26