Traditional/ Rational Society
- Organizing people and their behavior that is characterized by the presence of written rules and communication, job placement by accreditation, expert knowledge, clearly outlined responsibilities and authorities, explicit career ladders, and an office hierarchy.
- Institutions/Organizations
- to rationally organize groups to efficiently accomplish goals creates bureaucratic structures.
- Technical Competence
- Specialized Tasks
- Impersonality
- Discipline and Time
- Traditional action:
- Determined or motivated by habit
- Determined by others emotions in a given situation.
Social Media
- The prusuit of profit is unlimited and pursued for its own sake.
- Modern/Future
Melina Antoniou-Davis, Jonathan Lamothe, Darryl Rutledge
- The ability to Network
- Enhanced Opportunities
- More diverse communication
- Job accessibility
- Profit is limited by traditional and affective ties.
- more symbolic (not under God.
- Greed
- viewed as a 'cold' society in that they refused to allow the historical process to define their social sense of legitimacy.
- Permanence/Past
- Global media such as the internet have been see4n as effective means of re-creating traditional cultures. However, a key contract now with tradiional societies as they were is that participation has become voluntary, where before it was ascriptive; fixed in space, social stratification, and role expectations.
- Religion
- Generational
- Government