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Conflict Theory of Education
As a group we concluded the bureaucratization of schools has some advantages but has also led to the perpetuation of discrimination and aversion to change. Schools are structured around hierarchy and has been for a long time. We also concluded that because of this hierarchy many students slip through the cracks and not all students really receive equal education.
Conflict in the realm of informal curriculum impacts the social control and social integration learned by students in a formal educational setting.
Informal education describes the cultural norms and values that we learn. Special education causes conflict in terms of bestowal of status and social integration. A conflict in formal curriculum between socialization and social development is a conflict from what you are taught in lesson to what you learn at home from parents and other family members. There are many different personality changes for a young child one major one being depression, anything can cause this in school but one reason is the conflict of what they already know and what they are being taught.
Realm of Informal Curriculum
Created by Chessa Chrisman, Deron Owens, Jack Lambert and Dylan Brizzee
A conflict in formal curriculum between socialization and social development is a conflict from what you are taught in lesson to what you learn at home from parents and other family members. By socializing in and out of school your personality changes but if there is a conflict in what you believe already for example how the world was created? This is a big subject for many different religions who all have their own religious beliefs on how the world was created, was it creation or evolution? Therefore if you were brought up in a religious or non-religious family you will experience some sort of conflict in a religious education lesson at school. This can change your personality as you are just a young child who is still learning and don’t have much experience in a classroom at all. There are many different personality changes for a young child one major one being depression, anything can cause this in school but one reason is the conflict of what they already know and what they are being taught. A child is very sensitive and will always think they are right until someone tells them wrong. A quote taken from “depression is a major problem in schools, particularly among adolescents” this shows depression in children and is often caused when conflict in formal curriculum is happening in a classroom.
Video on Educational Bureaucracy
Conflict in Curriculum
Special Education Conflicts
We found this video to be relevant because we had similar views on the topic.
Conflict in the realm of informal curriculum impacts the social control and social integration learned by students in a formal educational setting.
Informal education describes the cultural norms and values that we learn. For examples how we’re supposed to act, what to wear to certain occasions, who we should listen to and what rules we should follow. It is something that is not taught in school which is formal education. Informal education when integrated into a formal educational setting is extremely important. Informal education teaches us how we should treat other students in school, that we should listen to our teachers, that we should do our best and take our education extremely seriously. Informal education impacts every aspect of our formal learning, informal education is not something taught by teachers it’s something parents teach children when they’re growing up so they continue to hold true to their beliefs and values.
Special education causes conflict in terms of bestowal of status and social integration. An article from Elena Kadvany, a reporter for the Palo Alto Weekly of the website, can truly define what my topic is about. The article is about the appointment of a new Special Education director for the Palo Alto Unified School district to help better the issue of special students not getting the benefits they need in order to continue to succeed in school. The superintendent of Palo Alto, Max McGee, appointed a woman named Chiara Perry, who was familiar with the issue as she had a 17-year teaching career teaching elementary, middle, and high school students. Ms. Perry was assigned to the task of recruiting, hiring, and train the teachers she hired. The following web link can tell you more should you choose to click on it:
Kadvany, Elena. “Palo Alto school district's special education department gets new director.” Palo Alto Online. Palo Alto Online, 31 Jul. 2015 Web. 10 Nov. 2015
Key Words and Phrases:
- hidden curriculum: Refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school.
- IQ tests: A psychometric test of intelligence.
- grade inflation: A rise in the average grade assigned to students; especially : the assigning of grades higher than previously assigned for given levels of achievement
- functional illiteracy: a person who has had some schooling but does not meet a minimum standard of literacy
- cultural capital: Cultural capital is the ideas and knowledge that people draw upon as they participate in social life. Everything from rules of etiquette to being able to speak and write effectively can be considered cultural capital.
- conflict: a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
- inequality: Difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality
- personality: The set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc., that makes a person different from other people
- status: The position or rank of someone or something when compared to others in a society, organization, group, etc.
- informal curriculum: Lessons that are not explicitly taught."
- Chessa - Put together the overall presentation, wrote the summary and conclusion.
- Deron - Provided the information for question three and the key terms.
- Jack - Provided the information for question one.
- Dylan - Provided the information for question two.
Thesis Statement:
In this project we will explain how informal and formal curriculum affect social integration in the education system. We also will examine how the bureaucratic nature of education has a major impact.
Due to bureaucratic nature of Education, the conflict theory is the best way to explain and unerstand the major impact formal education has on how and what students learn.