The Beginning of World History
Babel & Its Consequences
- Babel
- located in SE Mesopotamia
- Large tower central in the city
- used for religious center
- Wanted to make a name for themselves
- disobeyed God
- did not seek to fill the Earth
- God distanced man
The Fall
The Rise of Nation
- Nation
- large group of people who have the same land areas, same customs,
- Ham- Africa
- Shem- Middle East
- Japeth- Turkey E. Europe
- Man and Women both were in perfect communion with God
- Man's sin
- God gave man power to govern himself
- Man could no longer practice self- control
Hope of Salvation
The Flood
Moral Decay & Judgement
- Sin entered and filled to world
- No longer served its purpose
- Noah & his family built the ark
- Reset the Earth
- Sin soon would follow
- Ham
- God in control
- Canaanites serve
- Man initially loved God
- now man fears God
- now man loves himself
- Man has dominion
- the world works against man
- Man lives in paradise
- man kicked out
- Cain & Abel
- why did God reject Cain's offering.
- Cain murder's Abel
- just a little sin
- Cainites
- unrighteous people
- lived creation mandate independent of God
- Seth
- rightous but not for long
- Enoch/ intermarried
- Already planned for hope
- Gen 3:15
- Two seeds
- Seed of the woman
- humans not born that will be loyal to the Creator
- Seed of the serpent
- humans not born with same deceptive spirit
- Conflict
- men of the serpent & men of the woman
- God is the Alpha and Omega
- created world in 6 days
- Account in Genesis
- He has chosen to create the Earth
- for His purpose
- Divine sovereignty
- God's authority over the world
Biblical Truth
Mankind's Initial Work of Dominion
Climax of Creation
The Creation Mandate
Man's Purpose
- Man was to exercise dominion over the earth, just as God had dominion over the world.
- Adam lacked something and could not fulfill his call.
- .... Women was created
- Man is created in the image of God
- reflection of a part of God
- Reason, moral consciousness, spiritual desire, emotion, and sociability
- Privilege of Knowing God
- Creation Mandate
- work of maximizing the use of the Earth.
- requires knowledge
- advancement of culture
- physical and mental environment developed by human thought & labor
- not meant to serve man's selfishness
- Civilization
- refers to human culture lived in cities
- institution where humans share core values, and desire to improve the quality of their existence.
- Specialization
- Division of labor
- Organization
- system of rules, regulations, and acountability that governs all
- Gen 1:28
- Difficulty
- The Creation story can be difficult but the Bible is our guide
- Tells the story of mankind
- Tells the story of Jehova
- The beginning of time