Ridely Pearson is one author of the book. He is a best selling author of the young adult novels "Kingdom Keepers" and the adult novels "Killer Weekend", "Cut and Run" and others. He wrote 27 books, including "Parallel Lies" and "The Angel Maker." He is 59 years old, and lives in Glenn Cove, New York.
Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Prize winning author of over twenty-four books, including "The Shepard, the Angel and Walter the Christmas Miracle Dog", "Dave Barry's Money Secrets", "Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys" and many others. He and Pearson have written a total of 6 novels together which are the "Peter and the Starcatchers" series, "Escape from the Carnivale" and "Cave of the Dark Wind".He is 65 years old, and lives in Armonk, New York.
The story starts at Stonehenge, where Lord Ombra was seemingly destroyed in Peter and the Shadow Thieves. Though weakened, he uses his power to possess others to gather himself together so that he can return to Rundoon, during this time, warriors of the Scorpion tribe plan to invade Mollusk Island. Warned by the Lost Boys, Fighting Prawn prepares for war. Eventually, however, he is forced to surrender to the vast force of the invaders and the Mollusks are enslaved. Molly Aster, daughter of Lord Aster and George Darling travel to Oxford, where they discover vital information about Peter's parents which suggests Peter is in danger. Lord Ombra and his fellow shadow creatures have decided that capturing Peter could help their plans. Lord Aster sails to Mollusk Island to warn and protect Peter, unaware that Molly and George have stowed away aboard his ship. Peter, who is wounded, by the Scorpions, is kidnapped by Captain Hook (formerly Black Stache) along with the Lost Boys, but soon they are all captured by Lord Ombra and taken to Rundoon. There they are imprisoned in the dungeons of King Zarboff III, a cruel and vain despot in cahoots with the shadow beings. Tinker Bell joins Lord Aster in a rescue mission, but he is captured by Zarboff's men. Tink returns to the ship to warn Molly and George, but finds them trying to steal a camel and being chased by the owners. She tells Molly to use the starstuff in her locket to make the camel fly, and so they went on to find Peter, Lord Aster, and Bakari on their flying camel. Zarboff reveals his plan - to shoot rockets into space to make starstuff fall. The first attempt is successful, and he plans another, using the new starstuff to send the rocket even further. He does not know that the shadow beings intend the second rocket to rupture the fabric of the universe and cause it to collapse into nothingness. It falls to Peter to prevent the rocket from reaching its destination….intrigued? Well, you’re on your own. Make sure to read “Peter and the Starcatchers” and “Peter and the Shadow Thieves” first!
About the Authors (cont.)
Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
By: Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
Book Talk By: Nikki Kim
Book Opinion
I LOVED my book! There were so many twists and turns within the story. I also liked how they didn't zero in on one character. It was a great book.
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