- facilitate a smooth transition for staff and students during an administrative leadership change
-assist the principal, administration team, and others to create a plan to sustain strengths and address weakness so that EPMS moves students further than any other middle school in the district or state
- Receive Charge - meet with Mrs. Springman for job description, specific duties, responsibilities and expectations
- Become Titanized -
- Familiarize myself with mission and vision of EPMS community
- Be cognizant of the culture and climate through communications
- Build Relationships
- Be visible
- Be accessible
- Gather information
- Identify keys issues- instructional and non-instructional
- Data - identify key pieces of data through CCRPI report, CRCT scores, Strategic Plan, school initiatives, perception surveys, and any other relevant data
- Evaluate data to assess needs and determine focus
- Be visible in the school, classrooms and community
- Use Walk-through observations - GLOW/Grow opportunities to connect with teachers/students and establish credibility
- Where am I most needed as determined by the principal and district?
- How can I best use my knowledge and skills to contribute to EPMS?
- What professional development opportunities can I lead, facilitate or join in order to empower students for tomorrow's global society?
Dr. Hollandsworth's 90 Day Entry Plan as an
Assistant Principal at Elkins Pointe Middle School