Recommendations Continued
- Adjust assembly line to reduce bottleneck. Use constraint management & also adjust the output of units being produced so there won't be any bottleneck.
- Maintain a good relationship with suppliers and distributors. Conduct Critical Reports on items suppliers are delaying and make sure distributors are not over ordering.
- Maintain a lead time of 2 - 4 weeks.
Recommendations Continued
- Create a team to monitor the finished goods to monitor orders.
Effects on Customer Relationship
- Use SAP, Oracle, or any other ERP applications
- Delay launching new products
- Instead of introducing new products incorporate those ideas into a new feature or enhancement to the product.
- Maintain safety stock and stock levels to meet demands
Why is Customer Service manager the first person to recognize the major issues?
Customer Service manager is a person who is in charge of ensuring that customers receive product when needed.
Customer Service deals with everything from occasional customer complaints to establishing strategies to improve delivery service to customers.
Customer service representatives do everything they can to ensure that the customers get the best service from the company’s end.
Customer Satisfaction
- Introduce new product flawlessly and develop innovative products competitively.
- Improve delivery service and provide consistent service.
- Customer feedback / update latest information.
What is Driving These Problems?
- Lack of an ERP system
- Lack of history
- Shortages
- Panic ordering/ Bullwhip effect
- Hard copy documentation
- Lack of information
- Inaccurate information
- Difficulty in tracking information
- Lack of accountability
Problems in Manufacturing All Products
Problems in Manufacturing All Products
Problems in Introducing New Products
- "Panic Ordering" causes the Bullwhip effect
- Only have one facility to manufacture all products
- High variance of lead time for component parts (2-16weeks)
- Poor Delivery Service
- Shortages
- Too Little Forecast/Demand Info kept
- Information on Many Different Systems
Meditech Surgical
Presentation Overview
Company Background
Business Operations
Current Situation
Customer Complaints
Decreasing Productivity
Planning & Scheduling
Production Process
Largo Healthcare
Provider of Endoscopic Surgical Instruments
Competitor is NMC
Target Market
Rapid Product Development
- Bianca Blasquez: Company Background & Overview
- Richard Castro: Issues in New Product Introduction
- Kiran Bhogal: Issues in Manufacturing
- James Chung: Systematic & Organizational Causes
- Jason Chung: Effects on Customer Relationship
- Manouk Bagdasaryan: Recommendations
Meditech Surgical
Group 2
SOM 416: Supply Chain Management