Requsts for supplies
Camp Sorghum
Location of Camp Sorghum
Camp Flornce
- Shermens march
- berned towns
- 285 mile walk
Resonses why camp sorghum exisest
- Outbreak of yellow fever
- Florece and Andersonvill too full
History of Camp Sorghum
The only securtiy was a guard line and chain sentinals shown above
How Camp Sorghum got its name
- let prisoners cut own wood
- made hut over there hole
Rantion for a day
- pint of cornmeal
- two spoonful of rice
- and a little Sorghum moalases
- A letter from my Great-Great -Great
- Grnadfather (Robert H. Kendrick)
- He was there two mounth
- Endured many hardships
- Shemen's March getting closer
- abouned insane Aslym
- Called Asylim Camp
- In South Cariolina
- Ran from Dec. 12,1864 to Feb. 14,1865
The exchange of Prisoners
- He was a mason
- Friends in Washinton