the psychological and biological characteristics of the human individual
the various social system of which that individual is a member
individual behaviors and those behaviors preferred by these various social systems
the ideational or meaning systems of the individual
expressive and material culture
significant environmental and historical factor
the range of felt and perceived needs
Ethnographic Fieldwork
- A Synthesis of Ethnographic Research - Michael Genzuk
- Basic Classical Ethnographic Research Methods - Tony L. Whitehead
- Qualitative Methoden der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie - Erst Halbmayer und Jana Salat
- Ethnographic fieldwork: A beginner's guide - Jan Blommaert
- Grundkurs Soziologie - Hans Peter Henecka
by Olga Soybelman (21136) and Maria Heinemann (21394)
After Fieldwork
Natural Learning Process
Basic Information
During Fieldwork
Analyzing and Interpreting
Qualitative descriptions
Final report
- sufficient description to understand the analysis
- sufficient analysis to understand the interpretation
-> organizing and categorizing
of the data
-> explaining descriptive patterns
-> looking for relationships
=> qualitative reports
-> detailed descriptions and
Field notes
-> material memory of the
=> a repository of
Guidelines for fieldwork
- no absolutely structured plan, but:
Ethnographic fieldwork?
inter alia:
- information from different perspectives
- information from different sources
- keeping sight of the development of the fieldwork
Descriptive interviews
- for getting information of a personal perspective
Native language questions
- "Could you give me an example of such a situation?"
- "If you were talking to a customer, what would you say?"
- "Could you tell me about some experiences you have had working as xy?"
Basic Aim
- exploring everyday life over a longer period of time
via personal participation
Social Science Procedures
- method for collecting data
intensive and long-term in-relation setting
Practical use
The Cultural Ecology of Health and Change (CEHC)
- uses conceptual paradigms based on theories of culture
- addresses the complexities of the socio-cultural contexts
- tries to research what people influence
- Community-Based Initiatives (CBIs)
-> understand the socio-cultural
contexts in which a certain
behavior occur
The Principle of the Interrelationship between Sociocultural Contexts, Processes and Meaning Systems
The Cultural System Paradigm (CSP)
- by Tony L. Whitehead
- exploring the cultural systematic qualities of a community
The Principle of Paradigmatic Flexibility
The Principle of Universal Human Cultural Categories
-> relevant in every culture
- ethnographer researches the expressions in different cultures
-> local communities
-> technical innovation
-> public institutions
-> companies
-> politics
Field notes
Pro / Contra
Prior to Fieldwork
Historical origins
- systematical compiling and elaborating
More Settings?
-> BUT:
=> loosing focus?
- includes elements of qualitative and quantitative methodologies
- discos
- farmers markets
- sport events
- food activities
- festivals
- shopping malls
- jails
- process of discovery
- making inferences
- continuing inquiry
Historical particularism
Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
- by George Peter Murdock (1897 - 1985)
- re-establishing of the comparative method
- HRAF -> ethnographic data material of more than
400 cultures
- by Franz Boas (1858 - 1942)
- restriction on a certain culture if there is a historical reconstruction of cultures
- inductive approach
- intensive collection of ethnographic material via fieldwork
- lack of attention to meaning systems
- humans construct multiple realities
- BUT:
-> open-ended exploratory
- local point on view
- recognizing new problems
- understanding problems
- uncovering unknown phenomena
- discovering the right question to be asked
- emic validity
- social science research method
- uses the whole method-arsenal of empirical social research
- personal experience and participation
-> fieldwork
- by Bronislaw Malinowski (1884 - 1942)
- initiator of the modern ethnographic data collection
-> collection of first hand data within the field
Ethnography as method
Initial Ethnographic Tours
Secondary Data Analysis
Methodological Principles
Descriptive Observations
Participant observations
Research takes place in everyday contexts
- all senses focused on observation
-> recording as much information as
- clearing the current state of research
"The dignity of men is unimpeachable."
- researcher tries to participate as much as possible
- direct participation + observation + intro-spection + interviewing + document an-alysis
- social research just by first-hand con-tact
- minimizing the effects on the behav-ior
-> higher chance for generalizing
of research finding
- loosing of the focus easily
- extent of participation depends on the setting
Collecting data by using several sources
- finding a way to enter the community
-> community experiences
ethnographic fieldwork
=> enhancing of information
by community experts
Methodological Principles
- used by all ethnographers
- expression of the criticism of quantitative research
-> not able to show the true nature of
human social behavior
- interpretation of different reactions
-> no cataloging
-> no causality
- first: studying the culture
- then: explaining the behavior
Researching of just a single setting or group
Analyze of the data collection
inductive / discovery-based
- no testing of explicit hypotheses
- if necessary:
changing course of the research
General information about methods
"to grasp the native's point of view ... to realize his version of the world" - by Malinowski
- observing and examining all aspects of a cultural system
"a form of study requiring a researcher to be involved personally in the life and social activities of an individual or a group" - Harry F. Wolcott
- acquisition of material and regional know-how
- communicative skills
- clarifying his own role
- interviews
- observation
- documentation
= narrative description
An overview