- Open with a buffer- start with a neutral statement
- compliment
- appreciation
- review of facts
- apology
When using the indirect approach always remember to emphasis the four strategies provided: buffer, reason delivering bad news, and closing.
The 10 Commandments for Delivering Bad News
10. Thou shalt never surprise
9. Thou shalt never delay
8. Thou shalt never hide the facts
7. Thou shalt always put it in writing
6. Thou shalt always justify
5. Thou shalt always look for the silver lining
4. Thou shalt always bring solutions
3. Thou shalt always remember your multiple audience
2. Thou shalt always follow up and follow through
1. Thou shalt always treat people with respect and dignity!
5 Goals
When delivering bad news keep in mind 5 goals:
- To convey the bad news
- to gain acceptance
- to maintain as much goodwill as possible with the individual
- to maintain a good image for the company
- If appropriate, to limit the need for future correspondence.
- Closing pleasantly
- renew good feelings with a positive statement
- avoid referring to the bad news
- include resale or promotion, if appropriate
- look forward to continue business
- Also avoid cliche lines or sounding insincere
- Communicating bad news is a way of life for all business professionals, from rejecting job applicants to telling customers that their package will not arrive on the date promised.
- Bad news is difficult to deliver because the individual may not be receptive to the news.
- So how do we deliver bad news without destroying the relationship?
The Indirect Strategy
- Bad news- to reveal the bad news with sensitivity, apply the following techniques for cushioning the bad news:
- avoid the spotlight
- using a long sentence
- place the bad news in a subordinate clause
- be clear but not overly graphic
- use passive voice verbs
- accentuate the positive
- imply the refusal
- suggest compromise or alternative, if applicable
- Presenting the reasons
- explain clearly
- cite the reader or other benefits, if possible
- explain company policy, if relevant
- choose positive words (avoid words that create a negative time)
- show that the matter was treated clearly and fairly
- present a valid reason
Conveying Negative News Effectively