The Noble Eightfold Path; path of wisdom person...
The Eight-Fold Path is the fourth of the Four Noble Truths - the first of the Buddha's teachings. All the teachings flow from this foundation.
Wisdom : using wise consideration
(Yoniso manasikara)
Moral disciplines : Silakkhandha
- restrain immoral actions and promote good conduct.
1. What is the maening of the Eightfold path? and give one example of it.
2. Which teachings of the Eightfold path that use wisdom to see the world as it really is? (2 answers)
3. What is Samma Kammanta in English?
4. What is right speech?
5. Korn doesn't steal his dad money. Which teaching is it?
"All what we are is the result of what we thought..."
- The application of mind needed to achieve those goals
- This is the step where we become committed to the path.
“ One must reflect on one’s speech, before, during, and after speaking ”
- Buddha
1. The intention of renunciation : the pull of desire is to be resisted and abandoned
2. The intention of good will : Having loving-kindness (metta)
3. The intention of harmlessness : Having compassion (karuna)
Pan and Inging always say good words and never say lie.
Right Intention/Right thought/Right Aspiration
(Samma Sankappa)
Right Speech
(samma vaca)
The second step of the Eightfold path
the third step of the eigthfold path
Mook will think to help him . /
If Jedi fail the exam
Mook will insult and laugh at him. X
"Think good to others"
(1) Abstaining from false speech
(musavada veramani)
2) Abstaining from slanderous speech
(pisunaya vacaya veramani)
(3) Abstaining from harsh speech
(pharusaya vacaya veramani).
(4) Abstaining from idle chatter
(samphappalapa veramani).
The path to the cessation of suffering
Right view/Right understanding
Right Action
(Samma Kammanta)
The Eightfold Path or Magga
Kill him X
When Kan angry at Hun
The first step of the eightfold path is Right Understanding or Right View.
forgive him /
The fourth step of the Eightfold path
Magga means "path" . The path is a process to help you remove or move beyond the conditioned responses that obscure your true nature.
Atom keep his money X
When T.Rudolph forget his money on Atom's table
refraining from unwholesome deeds that occur with the body as their natural expression.
First year university students hit another car and left a scratch. Then she put a note for the owner to contact her back.
Atom returns his money. /
When Jedi falls in love with Rain's girlfriend.
Try to destroy Rain's love X
The Eightfold path as a raft
น๋Just love but doesn't want to occupy. /
To cross a turbulent river we may need to build a raft.
"The teaching is a tool not a dogma."
- Right understanding is how we see and understand nature.
- If you only think of yourself and use bias to solve the problem, you will never know the truth.
- If you don’t know the truth, you will never understand the four noble truths and free from suffering.
Do good to others!
3 components
This is a significant step on the path as it relates to seeing the world and everything in it as it really is (without delusion, hatred, greed, etc.) , not as we believe it to be or want it to be.
1. Abstaining from taking life
2.Abstaining from taking what is not giving
3.Abstaining from sexual misconduct
3 of the 5 Precepts
1. Panatipata veramani
2.Adinnadana veramani
3.Kamesu micchacara veramani
The Noble Eightfold Path The Way to the End of Suffering (book)
Nawapon Nantaekkapong M.5/14 #3
Lapassorn Chareonying M.5/14 #4
Janettre Kaivipakbanyai M.5/14#9
Nachanok Srivihok M.5/14 #13
Korn Eaupeerapattana M.5/14#19
1. The path to the cessation of suffering. Ex. right view
2. Right view and right intention
3. Right action
4. Do not say lie, harsh word and so on.
5. Right action