- Norms are based on the responses of 1,563 students in kindergarten through grade 12, corrected for sex, race, parental education, and geographic areas to represent the U.S. population. 91% were from public schools, 9% were from private schools.
- This test did not use and students from special education classes.
Why we chose this test
- (Christa) For 385 I am working at BQJ, in their special education department.
- (D'Andrea) In High School I worked in the peer tutoring program, with a few of the special education students.
What we thought about the test
Who's the test for?
Reading Recognition
- For children and young adults
- Grades K-12
- The test was difficult merely because it was in a unfamiliar format.
- There weren't as many instructions as I expected, and the instructions I read, weren't as detailed as I would have liked.
- Pre-reading level
- Recognize sounds of letter
- Reading level
- Reading from vocabulary list
- Question Example: Pronouncing words such as pterodactyl, oligochaete, and omniscient.
- Multiple choice
- Recognize standard spellings
- Choses the correct spelling
- Word said by examiner
- Instructor would read the word, a sentence using the word and then repeat the word. On the opposite side of the page the person recieving the instruction would then have to choose out of 4 images the word that looked most right.
Reading Comprehension
General Information
- Multiple choice
- Ranges from simple to actually solving problems
- Straightfoward
- Scratch paper as needed
- Question Example: x+y=3
- Knowlege of social studies, science, history and humanity.
- Reasoning and concrete knowlege.
- Adminstation and childs role.
- Question Example: What do you call a book that is written based on a famous persons life?
- Answer: Biography
- Understanding what they read
- Silently or aloud
- Chose 1/4 pictures
- Questions included reading a sentence only once, and then chosing the picture that best described it.
- General information
- Mathematics
- Reading comprehension
- Reading recognition
- Spelling
- Written Expression
Administration Time
- Not timed
- Except for written expression which is 20 minutes
- Usually takes between 30min and an hour to administer and score.
- Length varies with each individual
What questions does this test answer?
- How does the student compare to other students?
- Is there a need for diaostic testing?
What's it for?
- Individual assessment
- Need for diagnostic testing
- Recommended for special education
- Program planning
- Guidance and counseling
- Follow ups
- Research
- This area of the test provides 2 pictures of which you must creatively write about for 20 minutes.
- There are 2 sections under this test, the first is for K-1, and the second is for 2-12.
Peabody Individual Achievement Test
Christa Lazard - D'Andrea Lee