Jack vs Ralph
Did they make the right choice?
Ralph gets his authority from the conch. Jack IS the authority.
- In order to get people to come to meetings or to listen to him at meetings, Ralph has to uses the conch.
- From the beginning, Jack ignores the conch and speaks when he wants to
- Ralph can do nothing about it because he has little real authority over the boys.
- Jack, however, is always able to maintain his control without the aid of the conch
- he doesnt even try to make others stay in his tribe
Jack: the better leader
Ralph relies on others too often
- Asks Piggy to take down names of boys on the island
- Asks hunters to keep the fire going.
Jack knows how to keep others under control
- The first we see of Jack in the book is him marching the choir, all dressed in long black robes, down the beach.
"Their bodies, from throat to ankle were hidden by black cloaks...The heat of the tropics, the descent, the search for food, and now this sweaty march down the beach gave them the complexions of newly washed plums. The boy who controlled them was dressed the same..."
Jack makes others want to follow him
- He makes people think that his way is the best way; he knows what the boys want.
- Example: At his feast, almost all of the boys on the island end up joining his tribe.
"'I gave you food ,' said Jack, 'And my hunters will protect you from the beast. Who will join my tribe?'"..."'Who will join my tribe and have fun?'"
Jack does the work along with
those he is in charge of.
- he marched down the beach with them
- He hunts with them
"'We will go into the forest now and hunt'. He turned and trotted away and after a moment they followed him obediently."