Feminist Theory in Social Work Practice
Liberal Feminism
- Women working within the system for the same rights as men
- i.e. =pay 4 =work
- Based on traditional values of independence and individualism
- Critique: Doesn't value diversity women bring
Social Feminism
Jade, Kirsten, Megan, & Shinay
- Belief that social structures force women to play assigned roles
- i.e. nurturing and passive
- Resist, challenge, and critique those norms and values of our history
- Organize women to elimiate gender-specific aspects of oppresion
- sexual abuse, child care, reproductive rights
Liberal Feminism
Feminist Theory is...
Models of Feminism
Radical Feminism
- Liberal Feminism
- Social Feminism
- Radical Feminism
- Lesbian Feminism
- Womanism
- What path will you choose?
- The personal is political.
- Individual women’s experiences are shared
- Not crazy, although others might say you are
- Psychology of sex-role conditioning accounts for women’s apparent complicity with patriarchy.
- Societal norm of male privilege
- An uneasy relationship with health and mental health service providers.
- Working towards collective means-multilevel intervention
- Have to rebuild system not work within it
- Systems thinking
- Historically failed women through patriarchy, sexism, and oppression
- Multilevel interventions
- Emphasis on therapeutic, egalitarian relationship
- Focus on diversity, strengths, empowerment
Lesbian Feminism
- Critical of heterosexual institutions.
- Societal heteronormativity and strict gender identity binary
- Social construction of sexuality, gender identity, and sexual orientation
- Critical of social service and health systems that discriminate against populations that fall outside of those systems and binaries
Role-play with game scenario & discussion
- Intersecting and interlocking oppression
- Matrix of oppressions
- Neither race, nor sex, nor class is hidden or discounted
- Can't just work on race or gender or class separately
- They are inclusive, mutually dependent, oppressive systems
- Have to fight in a unified whole