- The great trek started in 1835.
- Over a time-span of 3 years more than 1200 Voortrekkers left the Cape colony.
- They moved in-land by ox wagon.
- They searched for land where they could be free and not under British control.
- They called themselves "Afrikaaners".
- They developed the language we now know as Afrikaans.
- They were descendents from settlers from Netherlands, Germany, and French Huguenots.
- Later Afrikaaners would simply be called "Boere" (Farmers).
- One of the most important causes was the unrest on the eastern border.
- The government was unable to seperate the Xhosa's from the whites and the two groups kept clashing.
- The Xhosa's stole the white farmers cattle and the farmers took over land that belonged to the Xhosa.
- The Xhosa and the farmers were constantly at war with each other.
- In 1834 when slaves were freed, the situation got worse.
- The freeing of the slaves also meant financial loss for farmers.
- The Great Trek led to the founding of the Boer republics
Orange Free State
Leaders of the Great Trek
Louis Trichardt and Van Rensburg
A town called Louis Trichardt in the Limpopo Provence was named after this man.
Andries Hendrik Potgieter
Andries Potgieter left the Cape Colony towards the end of 1835 with 200 people.
Gerrit Martiz
Gerrit left Thaba Nchu with 700 people.
Piet Retief
He was the commandant of the Winterberg army in the district of Albany.
Piet Uys
Piet and his followers were the last to leave the Cape as part of a big organised trek.
- During the Great Trek the Voortrekkers engaged in conflict with the Zulu of Natal over land.
- In1838 after the Zulu chief, Dingane murdered Piet Retief, the boers retaliated at the Battle of Blood River.
- This day is still remembered today as the Day of Reconciliation (16 December).
The Zulu used arrows and rocks
The Boers (Farmers) used guns called Muskets.