The Forces of Evolution
Bottleneck Effect
- Darwinism: Theory of Evolution of species by Natural Selection
- Neo-Darwinism: Modern version of Darwinian theory of evolution. Incorporates the principles of genetics to explain how inheritable variations can arise by mutation.
- Genetic Drift: Chance plays role in deciding which gene alleles survive. Over time drift tends to reduce genetic variation.
- Mutation: Random occurrence, changes to an organism's DNA that can impact the aspects of it life.
- Migration/Gene Flow: When genes are carried from one population to another. Can prevent speciation.
Bottleneck Effect:
A Population bottleneck: sharp reduction in size of a population due to environmental random events (such as earthquakes, floods, fires, or droughts) or human activities. Such events are able to reduce the variation in the gene pool of a population drastically, because when the population was close to extinction, the few left passed on those genes to their offspring, which became mostly dominant over the generations. If not enough individuals left, or the ones that survived are not able to reproduce sufficiently to re-form the species population, that population may go extinct. ( )
The Founder Effect:
In population genetics, the founder effect is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population. As a result of the loss of genetic variation, the new population may be distinctively different, bothgenotypically and phenotypically, from the parent population from which it is derived. In extreme cases, the founder effect is thought to lead to the speciation and subsequent evolution of new species. (