Nature Vs Nurture
What Roles Do They Play In Brain Development?
Brain Development
- Movie: Mama
- Fiction story about two young girls who were left in a dark house in a forest for years
- When they were found, researchers noticed that their development was severely impaired
- Early brain development does not always proceed effectively
- Some children can be born with the tendency to be irritable and insensitive to others
- This combined with an adult caregiver who is neglectful and withdrawn can cause problems
- Results in insensitive child behaviour
- Early exposure to violence and other forms of unpredictable stress causes the brain to operate on a fast track
- Some adults who are overly aggressive experienced unresponsive care early in life
What is Nature and Nurture?
Nature: The human body's preparation for full operation.
- The brain's task in the first 3 years is to establish and reinforce connections with other neutrons
Nurture: Infants and toddlers development through interaction with others.
- Young children need safety, love and conversation and stimulating environment to develop