Culture; a shared acknowledgment of the same beliefs, values, morals, art, laws and customs.
Subculture: according to Wolfgang and Ferracuti, subculture is "a normative system of some group or groups smaller than the whole society."
Within these subcultures, it is implied that "there are value judgments or a social value system which is apart from and a part of a larger or central value system."
In 1967, Wolfgang and Franco Ferracuti published "The Subculture of Violence. They came up with their hypothesis of subculture of violence based upon violence in Philadelphia.
A subculture of violence refers to a set of norms, values, or attitudes that exist within a group and in which violence is an accepted part of the lifestyle of that group.
To these subcultures, violence is a way of life.
Ex: Mobs, gangs and Zombies
Marvin Eugene Wolfgang was born November 14th, 1924 in Millersburg, Pennsylvania and died 12 April 1998
After fighting in world war II, wolfgang Studied at the Universiry of Pennsylvania earning his MA and Ph.D
Towards the end of his life, he was a professor of criminology at the university