How Casinos Encourage Problem Gamblers
- No windows
- Lights
- No spending limits
- No clocks
- Free alcohol
- Perks to High Rollers
Who is at Risk?
How Casinos Select their Target Market
- Gender
- Age
- Personality traits
- Behavioral or Mood Disorder
- Family Influence
Claims made by Witnesses
- Data mining
- Computerized predictive models
- Ethically: sell to target market vs. help the target market?
- Employees say Mr. Watanabe would stay at the tables for up to 24 hours, losing as much as $5 million in a single binge.
- Mr. Watanabe stumbling around and dozing off at casino tables
- Mr. Watanabe alleged the casino plied him with prescription drugs and alcohol to encourage his gambling
Case Study:
Mr. Watanabe
- Terrance Watanabe managed to lose nearly $127 million at Harrah's Casino
- Biggest losing streak in Las Vegas history
- Fighting over issue of whether the casino bears some of the responsibility for his losses
Ethical Issues in the
Casino Industry
Ethical Issues Presented
Statistical Information
Alexa Wright
Camrin Zamojski
Jacob Winters
Randolph Wells
- Casino Policies
- Bribery and Personal Relationships with employees
- Casino's offering incentives
- 76% are likely to have a depressive disorder
- 60% are likely to commit crimes
- 20% commit or attempt suicide
- 20% filed for bankruptcy
- 20% are homeless
- Do you think it was ethical for Mr. Watanabe to hand out personal gifts to employees?
- Do you think Harrah's acted ethically in showering Mr. Watanabe with gifts and perks knowing his addiction?
Do you think upper management was acting ethically in allowing Mr. Watanabe to continue to gamble while clearly intoxicated?
Are the employees at fault for not reporting Mr. Watanabe's behavior?
Casino Policies
Bribery and Personal Relationships
How Casinos Help with
Gambling Addiction
- Under Casino rules and Nevada state laws: anyone who is visibly drunk should not be allowed to gamble
- Employees claim managers told them to continue letting Mr. Watanabe gamble
- No reports by employees were made regarding Mr. Watanabe
- Casino self exclusion program
- Gambler's Anonymous
- Gam-Anon
- Limit play, reduce jackpots, cut off intoxicated gamblers etc.
- National Problem Gambling Helpline
- Mr. Watanabe regularly handed out money and gifts to the casino employees
- Harrah's casino offered Mr. Watanabe special incentives and privileges to gain his customer loyalty