All about me by: Maddie Hollberg
Grew up/ Lived
- I was born July 7 , 1997 in Putnam Hall ,Florida
- Later i moved to Williamsburg where i lived there for a couple years.
- My mom Eventually met my dad, and we moved to chesterfield county.
- Go to Cosby HIgh School
- Currently a Senior
- Interested in therapy with kids, but my ultimate goal in life is the FBI
- joining marines
- I would love to work at St. judes children hospital
Dream College
Hobbies and favorite movie
- I play field hockey. This will be my 5th year playing for cosby.
- Ive been playing hockey for about 10 and a half years.
- My family and i love to sail. We are apart of the sailing club GRSA.
- SInce i grew up by WIlliam and Mary ive always wanted to go here.
- My dad got his MBA here, and we are very supportive of Tribe athletics
- i have a rescue dog we got from BARK
- i have a beta fish named salute
- Mystery
- Biography
- fiction