Low Self-monitoring
High Self-monitoring
- President Obama exhibits high self-monitoring
- He must adjust his reactions and actions to all social appearances
- G20 Summit meeting with other leaders
- Less concerned with fitting into a situation or displaying socially correct behavior
- Consult inner feelings and attitudes to figure out how to behave
Associated Press (2013, September 5). Obama, Putin
Handshakes and Smiles at G20 Summit
[Video file]. Retrieved from
Perloff, R. M. (2014). The dynamics of persuasion:
Communication and attitudes in the
21st century (5th ed.). New York: Routledge.
High Self-monitoring
Low Self-monitoring
- Individuals who are concerned with displaying appropriate behavior in social situations
- Adjusting behavior to fit the situation
- Monitoring the public appearances of self they display in social situations
High Self-monitoring
Low Self-monitoring
- Biden exhibits low self-monitoring by his more relaxed speech
- He says what comes to his mind freely, doesn't have a filter
- Less censored than Obama
High vs. Low Self-monitoring
Sara Emmons