Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale
Group 1
Before the
- Parent Questionnaire
- Review child's case history
- Child's current skills
Beginning the Assessment
- Observe the child
- Use this information to score items as "observed" on the scale
- Observe: (O) behavior directly observed, child performs spontaneously
- Elicit: (E) performed behavior when cued
- Report: (R) parents confirm that behavior is usually performed in a normal testing
Establishing a Baseline
- Interact directly with the child to elicit the remaining items on the scale.
- Begin with Interaction
Obtaining the Ceiling
Finishing Up
- Stop testing where no more items are observed or reported
- Repeat for each area
- Let the child play while you complete the scoring of scale items.
Test Procedures
Testing Procedures
- Test items are considered "passed" if the behavior is noted through observation or through direct elicitation.
- When behavior is not observed, the caregiver is questioned about behavior.
- The test is administered:
- Who?
- Where?
- With who?
- Is cueing allowed?
Administering the Test
More Information
Background Information
Basal and Ceiling Rules:
Establishing basals and ceilings allows the SLP to check the child's performance across age ranges for each developmental area.
Basal- lowest age at which all items are mastered in a certain developmental area
- Start with Interaction-Attachment area, starting 6 months below the child's chronological age or suspected developmental level
Ceiling- age level where a child fails all items for a particular developmental area
Standardization/Validity Statement/Psychometrics-
- Standardization, validity, and reliability were not provided.
- It is a criterion referenced test.
Example: 0-3 Months
Language Expression
- Description of Test:
- Criterion-referenced test
- Identifies preverbal and verbal language developmental problems.
- English and Spanish translations for parent interview.
- Author- Louis Rossetti, PhD
- Publisher- LinguiSystems, Inc.
- Year- 2006
- Edition- 1st
- Intended audience- chronological/developmental Birth-3 years,
- Approximate time of testing- 10-30 minutes
- Price:
- Test set- $109.95
- Test forms (15)- $41.95
Test Components
- Examiner's Manual
- 15 test protocols
- Materials Needed
- Chloe: Prezi presentation and videos
- Hillary: Evaluating and scoring
- Dani: Difficulty of assessment, purpose of test, basil and ceiling, validity statement
- Ashley: Administering the test and test procedures
- Sarah Caite: Videos
- Taryn: Basic information, intended audience, and test materials
Why it was created...
- Provide the clinician with a comprehensive test
- easy-to-administer
- relevant
- assess the preverbal and verbal aspects of communication and interaction in the young child.
Examiner's Manual
Difficulty Level of Administration
- A criterion referenced instrument
- Assesses Interaction-Attachment, Pragmatics, Gesture, Play, Language Comprehension, and Language Expression.
- Contains several subtests each assessing a key development in language.
- Each subtest has a set of cueing
Why the Rossetti?