Unless someone like you...
Cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Today's Plan
1) Open the "Gallery Walk Discussion Questions" Google Doc. Go to the question that asks you to list plastic items.
2) Plastic Pollution Info and video clips
3) Begin research
What causes plastic pollution?
Fishing nets
Incorrect Disposal
What are the consequences?
PSA Gallery Walk
It upsets the Food Chain
It's expensive
1) What are the major issues presented in the poster?
2) What is the takeaway message?
3) In your opinion, is this PSA powerful? Why or why not?
It is poisonous
Groundwater Pollution
Journal Questions:
List plastic items that we use daily. (point form)
Where does plastic go after we are finished with it?
How long does it take to decompose? (take a guess first)
" Globally, millions of metric tonnes of plastic waste enter the ocean each year. In 2010, for example, between 4.8 million and 12.7 million metric tonnes of plastic hit the water. " Globe & Mail
What are some solutions?
Forget to-go Containers
"That’s equivalent to dumping a garbage truck of plastic into marine waters every minute."
Get Rid of Bottled Water
Educate Businesses
Why should we care?
Boris Worm, a marine scientist at Dalhousie University in Halifax wrote,
“close to 90 per cent of seabirds have plastics in their guts."