Species: kinds of plants, animals, or other living things. Each species is different from all other species. Polar bears and black bears are two different species of bears.
Traits are the ways a kind of animal looks and acts. Teeth shape and beak shape are traits. The way animals build their homes are also traits.
Do you have a favorite species of animal? Type of bird? Dog? Cat?
Animals eat to stay alive, or survive. What are other things animals need to survive?
Web on page 64
Practice on page 63
- Omnivores eat BOTH plants and animals
- What are some omnivores you can think of?
- Herbivores eat ONLY plants
- What are a few herbivores that you can think of?
- Carnivores eat only meat (other animals)
- What are some examples of carnivores that you can think of?
Like plants, animals are living and breathing, but they make up another kingdom of living things.
Introducing Animals
Unit 2