Savannah River Basin
By: Sydney Ward
Emily Troxtel
- You will be able to get a job.
Plants and Animals
- They put out 38,000 open jobs by September 1952.
- Recycle metals & Sediment.
- Practice for activites that affect water quality.
Cities and Towns
Their is
- 108 Fish
- 203,200 catchable trout
- Rafinesque's Big eared Bat
- Northern saw-whet Owl
- Peregrine Falcon
- Green Salmander
- Swainson's Warbler
Main Rivers
Clay, Jackson, Macon, and Transylvania
123 people per square mile.
They live in big developments, factory's, and they have big lots.
The Savannah River, Chattooga, and the Tallulah River
Savannah Riverside Mall
60 miles of walking distance around the Savannah Riverside Mall
7 1/2 Yankee Stadiums could fit inside the mall
4.5 million feet around the area.
It is located at the end on the town.
In the pass year it has recycled 34 billion recycles.
There is a sewage treatment plant about a mile from Savannah Riverside Mall.
- The region that the Savannah River Basin is located is the Mountains
- To be specific The Blue Ridge Mountains
Savannah River Basin:)