"Diversity just gets everyone to the party, inclusion gets everyone dancing."
Think Win-Win
- Actively works with deans and colleges to ensure that they promote diversity and inclusion
- Engineering -> Diversity requirement
- Not just liberal arts
- Extends to all areas of study and all professions
Building Community
- Advocacy of the students
- We are consumers
- Demand the best product
- How do we prepare students for diverse companies and professions if we are exposed to the same type of people, thoughts, and cultures?
Humble Beginnings
- Helped build communications department
- Diversity was always her service here
- Chair of Communications -> Leader of Multicultural Affairs
- Currently the Associate Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, Chief Diversity Officer; Associate Professor
Keeping the End in Mind
- "Stand up and say it is not me and that it is not okay"
- Bring up subjects that are uncomfortable in class and talk about them
- Stand with and be with those who are hurting
- Never let go of outrage at injustice
- Tolerance and bravery at Villanova (Father Peter's letter)
- Empower the university to create a climate where all people are valued for who they are and their contributions
- Change or face the consequences
- Diversity and inclusion is not an "add on" it needs to be integrated into the teaching and learning process
Dr. Nance