Miscommunication in architecture
What about it?
- Modern architecture has been around since the Roman times
- Has affected many buildings, homes, etc.
- Easily to occur during the project
- No matter how small the misunderstanding, the error is always big
- Communication is needed for organization in many or all jobs
- Architecture is one of the jobs that needs communication
- It is used a lot through the process of a project, not just for building
- Without it, errors will occur
- The communication across professionals is a "must" (Ding & Ng, 2010)
- Problems with it
Faulty Construction
- Affects home owners such as a couple from Houston (Patterson, 2005)
- Unsatisfied clients
- Company or firm gains bad reputation amongst society
- Solution
- Modern ways of communicating
- Problems with advancing modern technology
- Detracts one from face-to-face communication
- Solution
Figure 1. Construction Mistakes. Crookedbrains.
Figure 2. Construction level: Genius. 9gag.
- In construction process, the loss of cooperation occurs
- Construction is formed in a system of social working where communication and cooperation grow in each projects (Fernández, 2008)
- Construction level: genius [image]. (2013). Retrieved December 8, 2013, from: http://9gag.com/gag/4638064
- Construction mistakes [image]. (2009). Retrieved December 8, 2013, from: http://www.crookedbrains.net/2009/03/construction.html
- Ding, Z., & Ng, F. (2010). Knowledge sharing in architectural design institutes: A multiple-case study. Construction Innovation, 10(3), 267-285. doi:10.1108/14714171011060079
- Fernández-Solís, J.,L. (2008). The systemic nature of the construction industry. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 4(1), 31-46. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/213963741?accountid=7081
- Patterson, R. (2005). Home sour home. Mother Jones, 30(4), 58-90. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=3&sid=2440e7be-fe06-4e65-b7a0-2743f040281b%40sessionmgr114&hid=118&bdata=JnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d#db=a9h&AN=17537127
Figure 3. Construction Mistakes. Crookedbrain.