Artificial Narrow Intelligence
- Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is AI designed to do a narrow task
- Can only perform one or two simple tasks
- The world is filled with ANI
- Phones and phone apps
- Spam folder in online mail
- Google Translate
- Thousands more examples
ASI is Fast Approaching
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1.")
- Many people see ASI as a far away future goal, but it's a lot closer than that
- Optimistic predictions put it at 2030 for AGI
- After we reach AGI, ASI could take just hours or years
- Experts predict that AGI will happen by 2040, and superintelligence by 2060
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial General Intelligence
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2.")
Consequences of ASI
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very broad topic
- Associate AI with movies
- Use AI everyday in our daily lives and we don't even realize it
- AI isn't robots
- Robots and machines are containers for AI
- Three major AI calibers
- Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is AI as smart as the human brain and able to perform many intellectual tasks
- Humans have yet to create this AI
- Would be able to :
- reason and plan
- solve problems and think complexly
- learn quickly
- learn from experience
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1.")
- When ASI arrives, it's going to make big changes
- If intelligent enough and with enough technology, ASI could solve all the world's problems
- Halt CO2 emissions
- End world hunger
- Cure cancer
- Help humans conquer our mortality
Why Superintelligence is Important
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2.")
Artificial Superintelligence
- Artificial Intelligence
- Intriguing, but also terrifying
- Why do humans want to pursue intelligent machines?
- Many benefits for humans
- Artificial Intelligence
- "Artificial intelligence is that activity devoted to making machines intelligent, and intelligence is that quality that enables an entity to function appropriately and with foresight in its environment," (Nilsson).
- There are two reasons we should be paying attention to Artificial Superintelligence, and AI in general
- It's coming fast
- It's highly likely it will have a big impact on the human race
- Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is AI that is more intelligent than humans
- This AI will be better than humans at many intellectual tasks
- Scientific creativity
- General wisdom
- Social Skills
- Will be able to easily outsmart us
Possibility of Immortality and Extinction
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2.")
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1.")
- ASI could help humans conquer their mortality
- Could also cause the extinction of the human race
- 52% chance of a good outcome
- 31% chance of a bad outcome
- Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important sciences of our time
- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- The Road to Superintelligence
- Why Superintelligence is Important
Artificial Narrow Intelligence to Artificial General Intelligence
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2.")
- Increased Computational Power
- Plagiarize the brain
- Look at the way brains learn and react in order to create artificial intelligence
- AGI is coming way sooner than you expect
- High chance this will happen in our life time
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2.")
Works Cited
- Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence is necessary for the survival of our species
- If nothing else, people should be talking about this because there is a very high chance it will happen in your lifetime!
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1.")
The Road to Artificial Superintelligence
Nilsson, Nils J. The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of
Ideas and Achievements. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Urban, Tim. “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1.” Wait
But Why, 4 Feb. 2017, Accessed 19 Mar. 2017.
Urban, Tim. “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2.” Wait
But Why, 4 Feb. 2017, Accessed 19 Mar. 2017.
- The road to superintelligence is a long road and very difficult
- The road from ANI to AGI
- The road from AGI to ASI
Artificial General Intelligence to Artificial Superintelligence
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1.")
- After we reach AGI, the road to ASI will be much easier
- Identical intelligence to humans
- Advantages over humans:
- Hardware
- Speed
- Storage
- Durability
- Software
- Upgradibility
- Collective capability
The Benefits of Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence
(Urban "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1.")