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Overseas Support
The Following countries/groups are allies of Xinjiang and the Uighur.
Casualties And Stats
- More than 100 people have been killed. (In one riot)
- More than 800 injured. (In one riot)
- Throughout the conflict more than 800 people have been murdered and killed and many more injured.
Restrictions On Islam
Muslims in Xinjiang are restricted from many things such as:
- Not being allowed to fast during the holy month of Ramadan.
- Religious education forbidden in China.
- During riots Chinese government will only imprison the Uighur and not the Hui Muslims.
Xinjiang Conflicts 'Parties Involved'
Xinjiang Conflict
Parties Involved :
- Mongolian Republic (1960-1989)
- East Turkestan Islamic Movement
XinJiang Conflicts
- Uighur separatists and Independence movements claim that Xinjiang is not part of China.
- Xinjiang used to be part of east Turkestan and Xinjiang land was illegally taken by china in 1949.
- Movement groups , Turkic islamic militants and separatists are leading movements against the government in Beijing.
- Conflicts been going on since 1960's
Problems in Xinjiang 'Environmental'
- Xinjiang is one of the unhealthiest region in China.
- Xinjiang is highly polluted, both there air and water.
- Air Pollution occurs when they burn a lot of coal during the winter seasons releasing SO2 and NO2 chemicals into the air, both are dangerous in large amounts.
- Lakes and rivers are dying out due to droughts.
- Xinjiang was used for nuclear tests during 1964 and the after effects are occurring now.
Xinjiang 'Stats and Facts'
By: Syed Ali
- Xinjiang has a population of 21.81 million people as of 2010
- Xinjiang use the 'Chinese Yuan ¥' as their currency; 1 AUD is equal to 4.56 Yuan ¥.
- Uighur eat cuisines like roasted mutton, kebabs, Uighur polou (Rice and meat), roasted fish and much more.
Xinjiang 'Geography'
- Xinjiang is located far west of China. China's largest administrative regions.
- Xinjiang borders eight countries- Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.
- Xinjiang is mostly populated by Uighur (Muslims)
- Uighur are Muslims and Islam is an important part of their identity.
- Uighur language is related to Turkish!