Legislative Branch Flow Chart
The Third process
The First Process
First a bill starts off as an idea before it becomes a law.
After that if the bill passes by majority which is (218 of 435) then the bill can be moved to the senates. The bill has to go through anther committee again for the Senates so they can debate to see rather it's a good or bad bill that is soon to be a law.
The Second Process
Final Process
Finally if each committee agrees on the differences on the bill and if it's good it's returned to the House and Senate for the final approval. The Government will revise the bill in a precess called enrolling.The president has 10 days to veto the bill which means to have the constitutional right to reject the law or turn down. A congressional override can occur too which means both houses in Congress must vote by a two-thirds majority to approve the bill to become a law.
Next the bill is assigned to a committee for study and if it is released by the committee it is put on a calender to be voted, or debated and amended on which means to make minor changes or more accurate.