Hephaestus: The God of Blacksmiths
Although he was hated by his mother and born a cripple he is a very interesting god.
- His background
- His special powers
- His stories
Hephaestus's Background
- Zeus's and Hera's son and Husband to Aphrodite
- Born a cripple
- Thrown off Mt. Olympus
- Raised by nymphs
Hephaestus's Special Powers
- Hephaestus god of blacksmiths
- Vulcan god of volcanoes
- Created first woman, Pandora, and the box she opened
- Other creations
Tan Vo
Mrs. Stewart
Language Arts
7 February 2013
Much Better Than a Cripple
He is more than a cripple god of blacksmiths and volcanoes he is a cripple that doesn't give up.
Stories about Hephaestus
- The curse
- The battle against Scamander
- Athena's birth
Works Cited
Bryant, Megan E. Mythlopedia Oh My Gods!
New York: Franklin Watts, 2010. 64-69. Print.
“Hephaestus.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Volume
4, Chicago: William Benton, 1973. 1034. Print.
Leadbetter, Ron. “Hephaestus.” Pantheon.
MMIX Encyclopedia Mythica, 02 February
2006. Web. 17 January 2013.
“Tales of Hephaestus.” Hephaestus. N.p., 1999-
2012. Web. 17 January 2013.