•Americans could not expand further into Canada after this war, which caused them to expand more “west”, a.k.a, into Aboriginal culture. This brought wars amongst the aboriginals and Americans which then the aboriginals unfortunately lose.
In the end, We would not have our Canadian nationality without The war of 1812, So in a way it was a good thing nor the British or Americans won. For the Aboriginals, things didn't go as planned, as they are losing land.
The War of
For Canada, the war provided us with national pride unlike the Americans. We were considered “British” pride.
•In the end no one really won the war, and there was no physical loss of land on either side. Though it did solidify the borders between Canada and the U.S.A.
The war ended with the Treaty of Ghent on Dec 24, 1814. The treaty was signed in Belgium, and unfortunately took 2 weeks for the information that the war ended to reach America. This lead to sudden surprise to the Americans because of the lack of notice.
The next battle was the Battle of Baltimore. The Battle of Baltimore was a sea/land battle fought between British and American forces during the war of 1812. The result of this war was the American victory and British withdrawal.
The British Impressment
•One of the battles that occurred during this war, was when Fort Henry was attacked by the British in Detroit. Though this was not much of a battle, the British and the Aboriginal peoples outnumbered the Americas so much that the Americans surrendered.
•This was the act of the British soldiers entering American boats. They’d take any british workers that were on the american boat, and then put them on the British boat to work. The British men were forced to fight in the war against Napoleon so they fled England to America to avoid this. This caused the business men of America to lose money.
•The 4th battle was the Battle of New Orleans. The battle of New Orleans occurred between December 24, 1814, through January 8, 1815 and was the final major battle of the War of 1812. The results of this war was American victory, and British forces to withdraw completely from Louisiana.
Another was when the americans began to become paranoid that the British in Canada would come and take their land and livestock.
...This was because The British and The Aboriginals formed allegiances which caused The Americans to believe they were now "stronger"
•Another battle was the Battle of the Thames. The Battle of the Thames, also known as the Battle of Moraviantown, took place on October 5, 1813, near present-day Chatham, Ontario in Upper Canada. The United States won this battle against the British by having almost two times as much troops than the British.
•The American businessmen had their goods taxed when any boat went over to Europe.
So, if the war of 1812 began due to multiple reasons, and there were many battles during it, how did the war end and what were the results of it?
Have you ever thought of Where the war of 1812 took place or even Why it started?
Well, we’re here to explain it to you now.
•The American businessmen wanted more land to expand into, and then wanted to expand into Canadian aboriginal land.
The 3rd battle amongst the war of 1812 was when the The British attacked Washington D.C and burnt the American White House down in Aug. 24, 1814. This Battle caused even fury and grief for the Americans than before.
Now that we know why the war started, we can talk about the battles that occurred during the war.
really it all started with the British and the Americans. They had A Lot of contrast between each other, and one of the main reasons for that was something called... “The British Impressment”.