Conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to an heart attack, chest pain, or stroke. Other heart conditions that affect your heart's muscle, valves or rythm, are also considered forms of heart disease.
About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S every year (1 in every 4 deaths)
Leading cause of death for men and women
Coronary heart disease is the most common type; it kills over 370,000 people yearly
Risk factors
Overweight or obesity
Poor diet
Physical inactivity
Excessive acohol use
Most common types
Coronary artery disease
High blood pressure
Cardiac arrest
Congestive heart failure
Immediate treatment
Asprin to prevent further blood clotting
Oxygen therapy
Treatment for chest pain
Medical vocab breakdown
Medical procedures
Angi/o: vessel (blood)
Plasty: surgical repair
Cardi/o: heart
Myo: muscle
Plasty: surgical repair
Cardi/o: heart
Logist: specialist
Cardiac arrest:
Cardi/o: heart
Arrest: standstill
Ather/o: plaque
Ectomy: removal
Angioplasty laser: laser tip that opens the blocked artery
Angioplasty: tubing inserted, will puff up to widen blocked areas where blood was cut off
Artificial heart valve surgery: replaces an abnormal or diseased heart valve with a healthy one.
Cardiomyoplasty: procedure where skeletal muscles are taken from a patient's back or abdomen. Then wrapped around an ailing heart. This added muscle is aided by ongoing stimulation from a device similar to a pacemaker, it boosts the heart's pumping motion.
Heart transplant: removes a diseased heart and replaces it with a healthy human heart
Atherectomy: similar to angioplasty except the catheter has a rotating shaver on its tip to cut away plaque from the artery