Goodbye Post Classical Period
- Technological improvements & innovations
- The imprint left by religion
- The end of the Post Classical Period
- The Bubonic Plague
- Political instability
The End
Thank You
The Mongols, One Last Time
- Inhibited development
- constant threats of invasion
- Brought Death
- However, constructive as well as destructive
Trading Ways of Life (Religions Too)
The Spread of Buddhism
- The role of merchants
- Migration
- Revived trade routes
- Muslims & West Africa & Southeast Asia
- Silk Road
- China: a major contributor
- Goods, ideas, & ways of life
Influence Spread from the Heart
The Mongols & Some Other Nomads
- Tang & Gupta dynasties
- Ancient Greece & Rome on:
- Byzantine Empire
- The Renaissance
- Syncretism: Arabic states & European civilization
- Islam's contributions
- Complications of migration
Pre Post Classical Period
"Man's highest joy is in victory: to conquer one's enemies, to pursue them, to deprive them of their possessions, to make their beloved weep, [and] to ride their horses..."
Genghis Khan
Empires of the Post Classical Period
- Nomadic migration: sometimes peaceful, sometimes not
- In Korea: seized northern part; birth of Yuan Empire
- In China: semi-nomads contributed to their conquests
- In Europe: Genghis Khan died, Europe was saved (kind of)
- Ancient civilizations declined...
- due to plethora of problems
- ... and atop ruins came new ones
- influenced greatly by prior societies
- Byzantine Empire
- Arab Empire
- China: The Han Dynasty
The Mongols Again
- Mayan religion
- Role of deities
- Monumental pyramids
- Mayan calendar
- Islam
- Allah, Muhammad, & the Qur'an
- The Sunni vs. the Shi'a
- In Islamic Society:
- Hulegu Khan
- Brought end to caliphate in Baghdad
- By 14th century: Mongol empire splits up & disintegrates
Political Institutions
- Europe
- The role of the church
- Feudalism
- China & its Followers
- Confucian model
- Civil Service Examination
- Influence on Japan, Korea, & Vietnam
During the Post Classical Period, which took place from 600CE-1450CE, early societies experienced an improvement in their political endeavors, especially a revival of centralized government and a unifying shift in religious beliefs, noticing the reigning impact of Islam and the major role played by trade in the diffusion of ideas and products; however, with the constant threat of invasions by the Mongols and other roaming peoples, the prosperity of this time period was hindered and thus came to its untimely end.
The Post Classical Period:
The influential & The Influenced
Sydney Takeda, Shelby Wong, Howard He, & Neel Sharma
AP World History
Period 4
7 December 2015