Forebrain: Subcortical Structures
Psych 105
Group 3 Final Project
Pituitary Glands
-"Master Gland" of the body's hormone-producing system
-Releases hormones that directs functions of other glands in the body
-Located below the hypothalamus
Basal Ganglia
- Responsible for relaying information from the sensory receptors to the correct areas of the brain so it can be processed
- Receives sensory information including auditory, visual, tactile, gustatory (smell) signals
- It identifies and transmits the information to the correct part or lobe in the cortex
- Directs intentional movement, connects cerebral cortex to the cerebellum.
- In the basal ganglia, the majority of the neurons uses GABA as the neurotransmitter and have inhibitory effects on their targets.
- Plays an important role in the course of Parkinson's Disease
- Abnormalities associated with dystonia-involuntary muscle contractions, and Huntington’s disease-brain nerve cells degeneration.
- Regulates body temperature
- Hunger and thirst
- Sexual behavior
- Motivation
- Called the four F's
- Food, Fever, Fun , Fornication
- Emotional processing, connects emotions to new
- Involve excitatory pathways that use glutamate
as a transmitter.
- Abnormalities causes anxiety
- Damage causes changes in fear reactivity.
-Critical for creating new memories and integrating them into a network of knowledge so that they can be stored indefinitely in other parts of the cerebral cortex
-Creates new memories by integrating them with existing memories
-Interacts with the temporal lobe to help establish event memory