Primary target
Students of vocational training centers in the fields of automotive or electrics
Specific materials could be used separately in specific courses (evening courses, retraining,…)
Secondary targets
Other educational entities (vocational training, higher education, basic education), for dissemination and for orientation of younger students too.
Students families, to amplify diffusion
- RD0001: Hybrid transformation have to be realized totally by students.
- RD0002: An electric technology booklet must be produced, covering safety requirements and real materials and technology appl ied on cars.
- RD0003: Carrying out the activity some informations resarch and working out phases must be sheduled to point out technologies and building methods applied.
- RD0004: During the model setting, some specific moments to apply brainstorming and problem solving methods have to be scheduled.
- RD0005: In the projecting phase the components scaling (batteries pack, procelle parts, motor wheel...) must be scheduled.
- RD0006: During planning a technical design should be suppli ed showing electrical and mechanical devices.
- RD0007: During checking and testing phase, relevant test of electrical measures must be scheduled.
- RD0008: During checking and testing phase, relevant trial test must be scheduled to guarantee all mechanical components corret working together whit the 100 electric running and on board recharging.
- RD0009: During the trial test a research of defects and faults of electro-mechanical devices should be scheduled.
- RD0010: During checking and testing phase, maintenance activity should be scheduled.
- RD0011: During checking and testing phase, emission control should be scheduled.
- RD0012: During checking and testing phase, energy loss cont rol should be scheduled.
- RD0013: Supporting realization, a booklet on safety should be produced.
- RD0014: Supporting realization, a booklet on electric technology should be produced.
- RD0015: The technology booklet should include, physics and chemistry knowledge required to fully understand the technology.
- RD0016: The technology booklet should include all mathemati cs needed to fully understand the technology.
- RD0017: Booklet should be easily divided to be provided separately for different purposes.
- RD0018: If necessary, booklets should be easily joined in a unique support
- RD0019: Lessons on safety should last 8 hours.
- RD0020: Lessons on electric and hybrid technology should last 20 hours.
- RD0021: Knowledge about safety rules should be realized by a specific test.
- RD0022: Knowledge about technology applied in electric and hybrid vehicles should be realized by a specific test.
- RD0023: A practical test on trainee should be scheduled, to check their ability to work with this technology.
This set of requirements cover this expectations:
- Graphic and design
- Cooperation between other subjects of study course
- Use of innovative instruments for materials (e-books, blog and multimediality).
- Performance target (similar technical performance, better performance on consumption and emissions).
- Speed
- Acceleration
- Consumption
- Emissions
- Engine power
- Electric absorption
This section defines requirements about logo and graphic of models and manuals.
The primary target is to highlight the project and partners logo and to make more interesting the material.
- This section defines which requirements are needed to successful participate at this training activity.
- Basic competences in technology of traditional engines (acquired for example during first year of vocational training course)
- Electric background is not requested, requirements would be supplied during activity.
Learning e-mobility plus
Lastenheft/Requirements manual
Training Model on e-Mobility
0. Introdution
0.1 Basic data
0.2 Version
0.3 Scope and application
0.4 Abbrevations
1. Objective
1.1 Model
1.2 Targets
1.3 Flow chart
2.Function and requirements
2.1 necessary requirements
2.2 Secondary requirements
2.3 Functional requirements
3. Performance requirements
1.1 Model
1.2 Target
1.3 Flow chart
0.4 Abbreviations
- MODEL 1S Model whit a series hybrid technology
- MODEL 2P Model whit a paralel hybrid technology
- RD Didactical requirements
- RT Technical requirements
- RF Functional requirements
- RP Performance requirements
- RQ Quality requirements
- RA Other requirements
2.Function and requirements
Pages from 16 to 17 (21 requirements)
Duration and participation
- batteries should last at least 1 years
- students involved should be minimum 15
MODEL 2P (parallel) - Specific requirements
- RT0001: Both karts are built with termic engine, lately con verted at hybrid system.
- RT0002: Models must work in full hybrid, as they can work completely in 100% electric if required
- RT0003: Applied current intensity must be not dangerous for users (lower than 50 V)
- RT0004: Both karts must be carried out with a 10.000€ budget or lower.
- RT0005: Karts must be easily moved and transported.
- RT0006: Both karts chassis must have same dimensions.
- RT0007: Both karts must have same weight before hybrid system is installed.
- RT0008: Mechanical and electrical faults must be easily sim ulated to exercise whit students.
- RT0009: Both models must be restored to the original condition and all materialreused for different students, groups or classes
- RT0010: Both hybrid models must be clearly shown and unders tood by anyone interested in them. (f.e – Electric schemes linkedto each kart)
- RT0011: Models must be build complaining whit safety rules and standard specifications.
- RT0012: Models must comply with aerodynamics and ground effect, in order to guarantee safety standards after hybrid system installation.
- RT0013: After hybrid system installation both karts must have same weight (max difference allowed 5%).
- RT0014: Two testing trials must be executed, an intermediate and a final one to be carried out by companies operating on e-mobility, to correct faults and give motivational impulse to vocational students.
- RT0050: Model 2P must have a paralel hybrid system.
- RT0051: Model 2P must have a power of 12 HP or more( max power at 3500 gpm).
- RT0052: Model 2P must utilize an electrical engine with a power of 9 Kw.
- RT0053: Model 2P must be tested before transformation in hybrid to check consumption.
- RT0054: Model 2P must be tested before transformation in hybrid to check emissions.
Electrical engine requirements
This requirements cover three focus area:
- RF0001: Utilized Batteries should be Lithium-ion batteries.
- RF0002: Electric indunction engines should be used, because costs are lower, reliability is good and performance higher.
- RF0003: Primary engine should be thermic.
- RF0004: Accumulation system should be used.
- RF0005: The kart should work 100% electric if required, and autonomy should be tested.
- RF0006: The kart should work 100% electric if required, and powerfulness should be tested.
- RF0007: Minimum power to work in hybrid should be defined.
- RT0019: Power of electrical engines must be the same for both models
- RT0020: Power transmitted to wheels must be the same for both models
MODEL 1S (series) – Specific requirements
Thermic engine requirements
- RT0015: 4 strokes engines must be used because their emmisions and consumption are lower, in spite of being more heavy and less powerfull.
- RT0016: Cooling system must utilize air (lower dimensions, more space for other supplies).
- RT0017: The engines should have electric start.
- RT0018: Every kart must have a battery recharging system.
- RT0021: Model 1S must have a series hybrid system.
- RT0022: Model 1S must have a power of 6 HP or more ( max power at 3500 gpm)
- RT0023: Model 1S must utilize an electrical engine with a power of 9 Kw.
- RT0024: Model 1S must be tested before transformation in hybrid to check consumption.
- RT0025: Model 1S must be tested before transformation in hybrid to check emissions.
Testing and performance quality
Technical quality
- Testing activity should consider more than one trial.
- There should be a report of this activity.
- Benchmarks should be defined to evaluate performances.
- Targets on autonomy and power after hybrid conversion should be defined.
Didactical requirements
3. Performance requirements
This section states which area are to be tested.