CBT & Behavior Therapy on Kleptomania
- encompasses recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal items that are not needed for personal use or the items’ monetary value
- 4-24% of shoplifters are diagnosed with kleptomania
- Less than 1% of the entire population
Research Question
- Which treatment option, cognitive-behavioral therapy or behavior therapy, will improve the outcome of an adult with kleptomania?
Independent Variable & Dependent Variable
- 50 participants
- previously diagnosed
- 8 months
- BIS-11
- T-tests
Independent Variable
- Form of treatment
- Behavior Therapy
Dependent Variable
- Level of impulsivity and sensation seeking
Research Hypothesis & Null Hypothesis
- My null hypothesis is that there will be no statistically significant decrease in the level of kleptomania behavior of adults who will receive cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and adults who will receive behavior therapy.
- Adults receiving cognitive-behavioral therapy will show a decrease in impulsivity and sensation seeking rather than those receiving behavior therapy.