Globalization and the Diffusion of the iPhone
By: Casey Ladner, Jack Samis, and William Easterling
Hierarchical Expansion Diffusion of the iPhone
The European Market
- This is a concept where innovations leapfrog from one important place to another, temporarily bypassing other less developed nations.
- The iPhone was released in the U.S. and Canada on June 29th, 2007
- The first commercial presents the iPhone at its most basic form - it can make calls, play music, access the internet, and receive emails
- In early 2008 it diffused to Europe
iPhone Release
Globalization Defined
Sold 5 million in the first three days.
- Some people showing up in lines 48 hours before the release
The binding together of all the lands and peoples of the world into an integrated system of communication, in which diffusion is rapid
iPhone in Australia