Korean Institute of Criminology
Over 1,000 articles and papers, 800 Publications Since 1989
International Cooperation
2013 Research
1. About KIC
2. Organization
3. Major Activities
4. International Cooperation
Structural Organization
- 11th UN Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice (2005, Bangkok) ->Virtual Forum against Cybercrime (VFAC) Project
- MOU with UNODC Regional Center for East Asia and the Pacific (2009, Bangkok)-> Towards AsiaJust Programme
2013 Research
Integrative Criminal Law Research Center
<The aim of VFAC>
Int’l Center for Criminal Justice
Crime Trends and Statistics Center
Planning & Coordination Office
Academic Exchange
KIC has developed VFAC with the cooperation of UNODC in order
- to deliver technical assistance in Asian countries
-to provide training to law enforcement and judicial officials
-to build a network of researchers and experts for cybercrime research
-to act as a clearinghouse of research resources for the public
About KIC:
General Info
- MOU with 37 institutes and universities from 16 countries such as USA, Germany, Finland, Saudi Arabia, China, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam (2004~)
- 15th member of UNPNI of UNODC (2004)
- UNODC East Asia and the Pacific Regional Center (2009)
- The largest library in Korea in the field of crime, criminal justice and criminal law in Korea
- Over 70,000 publications
- 140 journals from 20 countries
- Online DBs
Major Activities
<Outcomes of VFAC>
- Established by the Ministry of Justice (1988), under the Office of the Prime Minister
- National research institute in crime & criminal justice in Korea
Seminar & Workshop
Research Network
Online-Training program
- Clearinghouse on cybercrime prevention
- Over 2700 cybercrime related news articles
- Over 150 cybercrime statistics worldwide
- 60 registered experts in VFAC
- KIC Research Series
- Korean Criminological Review (Journal)
- VFAC Review
- KIC Bulletin
- Technical assistance to law enforcement and judicial officials
- 120 hours of classes (Introductory/Advanced)
- MOU with 9 countries
- Over 165 trainees
- 12 th World Congress on Criminology (organized by KIC Seoul, 1998)
- UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and UNPNI Workshop of UNODC
- 11th UN Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice(Bangkok)
- 12 th UN Congress on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice (Brazil)
- 4th Asian Criminological Society Annual Conference (2012)
- World Crime Forum- 1st Asian Regional Conference (2013)
<The aim of Towards AsiaJust>
-provide a regional framework to implement the culture of rule of law in East Asia and the Pacific to respond efficiently to transnational organized crime
Research Area
<Outcomes of Towards AsiaJust>
Criminology & Criminal justice
75 researchers
20 administrators
- Probation & parole
- Institutional treatment
- Halfway treatment system
- Community corrections
- Amendment of prison law
5 practitioners
- Crime causes and processes
- Crime trends
- Criminological theories
- Crime statistics
- Victimization survey
- Crimes in minorities
- Forensics-crime profiling
- Juvenile delinquency
- KIC ‘s 5-year financial supports for Towards AsiaJust
- participated in High Level Prosecutor’s Meeting of ASEAN Workshop (2010),
Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Fighting Cybercrime(2011),
Senior-Level Workshop on Mutual Legal Assistance in East Asia and the Pacific(2012) and ARIN-AP(2013)
- PEP(Prosecutor Exchange Programme) : Exchanging judicial personnel from Thailand,
Lao PDR and Indonesia from 2011 until this year respectively.
- Management
- Human resources
- Budget plan
- Accounting
- Prosecutors
- Police officers
- Probation officers
- National election commission
Criminal Law
- Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Criminal law
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Education
- Public administration
- Penal Code
- Criminal law reform
- Criminal procedure law
- Comparative law
- Sentencing guide
- Juvenile Act
- Review of legislation
Over $ 10 million budget per year
Thank you