Your alarm goes off. You push the snooze button. The alarm goes off. You go back to sleep.
Operant Class
- Symbol: Ro
- Set of responses
- Produces common consequence
- Can vary in topography
- Example: Answering the door
- Symbol: S^R
- Occurs after the operant
- Determines probability of operant occurring in the future
- Example: Talking to an annoying salesperson
Elicit vs. Emit
Discriminative Stimulus
- Symbol: S^D
- Precedes the operant
- Antecedent stimulus
- Sets occasion
- Example: Doorbell
- Respondent behavior is elicited (caused); Example: Presence of food elicited salivation.
- Operant behavior is emitted (produced); Example: Whistle emitted sitting behavior by the dog.
Three-term Contingency in Operant Conditioning
Katrina Townsend