21st Century Education
20th Century Education
21st Century
20th Century
- No Student Freedom
- Filling The Vessel
- Is Retelling
- Information Transfer
- Time-Based
- Memorization of Discrete Facts
- Textbook Driven
- Passive Learning
- Kindling the Fire
- Discovery
- Learning to Learn
- Outcome-Based
- What Students Know and What They Can Do
- Researched-Based
- Collaboration
- Full of Discipline Problems
- Fragmented Curriculum
- Low Expectations
- Teacher as Judge
- Learning Focused
- "What Have the Students Learned and Can They Transfer That Knowledge to Real Life Situations
- Great Deal of Student Freedom
- Very Few Discipline Problems
- Integrated Curriculum
- High Expectations
21st Century
20th Century
- Kindling the Fire
- Discovery
- Learning to Learn
- Outcome-Based
- What Students Know and What They Can Do
- Researched-Based
- No Student Freedom
- Filling the Vessel
- Is Retelling
- Information Transfer
- Time-Based
- Memorization of Discrete Facts
- Textbook Driven
20th Century
21st Century Education
- Collaboration
- Facilitators
- Worldwide Audience
- Curriculum Being Connected to Students, Interest, Experience and Talents
- Passive Learning
- Isolation
- Authorities
- Teaching Focused "I taught them the material, it is up to them to learn it
- School Being Irrelevant and Meaningless to the Students
20th Century Education vs. 21st Century Education
Presenter: Dante' L. Thornton, Ed.S.