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Prepared by : Ayşe Zuhal SARI
Digiital modelling software offers a rich repertoire of transformations a designer could use to further explore formal potentialities of an already conceived geometry.
A particularly interesting temporal modeling technique is morphing,in which dissimilar forms are blended to produce a range of hybrid forms that combine formal attributes of the 'base' and 'target' objects.
Kolatan and Mac Donald's 'chimerical' Housings project
Kolatan and Mac Donald used morphing in a number of their projects.
X Phylum project by Karl Chu
The ' rules' that direct the genesis of living organisms ,that generate their form ,are encodedin the strands of DNA .Variation within the same species is achieved through gene crossover and mutation , ie. through the iterative exchange and change of information that governs the biological morphogenesis .
The key concept behind the evolutionary approach to architecture is that of the genetic algorithm ,'a class of highly parallel evolutionary, adaptive search procedures,'' as defined by Frazer Their key characteristic is a ''string-like ''structure equivalent to the chromosomes of nature'' , to which the rules of reproduction ,gene crossover and mutation are applied.
The FEM analysis for the fabric envelope of 'Dynaform' ,BMW pavillion at the IAA Auto Show in Frankfurt ,Germany ,architects Bernhard Franken and ABB architekten.
Project ZED (1995) ,
London,UK,architect Future Systems
Homeomorphic (topologically equivalent ) figures
Yüzeyleri eşit şekiller
Computational ,digital architectures are defined by computationally-based processes of form origination and transformations ,i.e. the processes of digital morphogenesis ,where the plural (''architectures '') emphasizes multiplicities inherent in the logics of the underlying computational concepts ,such as topological geometries ,isomorphic polysurfaces ('blobs') ,motionkinematics and dynamics,keyshape animation (metamorphosis ),parametric design ,genetic algorithms (evolutionary architectures) ,performance etc. ,which are discussed in more detail in the following sections.
Le Corbusier :VOlumetric composition in ancient architecture
The digital generative process are opening up new territories for conceptual ,formal and tectonic exploration ,articulating and architectural morphology focused on the emergent and adaptive properties of form. The emphasis shifts from the ''making of form'' to the ''finding of form '' which various digitally based generative techniques seem to bring about intentionally.In the realm of form the stable is replaced by the variable ,singularity by multiplicity.
Hesaplamalı ,dijital mimarlık dijital şekilbilime ait sayısal tabanlı şekil üretim ve dönüştürme işlemi tarafından tanımlanır. Çoğunlukla mimarlar hesaplamalı bağlamın ardında yatanı mantığın doğal olarak çeşitliğini ,topolojik geometriler,isomorfik poliyüzeyler , parametrik tasarım ,genetik algoritmalar (evrimsel mimarlık) performans vb. gibi ilerleyen konularda detaylıca tartışılan konular olarak vurgular.
Performative Architecture
Parametrics can provide for a powerfull conception of architectural form by describing a range of possibilities, replacing in the process stable with variable ,singularity with multiplicity .Using parametrics ,designers could create an infinite number of similar objects,geometric manifestations of a previously articulated schema of variable dimensional ,relational or operative dependencies. When those variables are assigned specific values ,particular instances are created from a potentially infinite range of possibilities.
Parametric definition of a circle.
Topoloji, matematiğin ana dallarından biri. Yunanca'da yer, yüzey veya uzay anlamına gelen topos ve bilim anlamına gelen logos sözcüklerinden türetilmiştir.
''Paracube'' by Marcos Novak
The CFD Analysis of wind flows for project ZED (1995) ,London ,UK ,architect Future Systems
Another kind of architecture is also emerging ,using building performance as a guiding design principle and adopting a new list of performance-based priorities for the design of cities,buildings,landscapes,and infrastructures.
This new kind of architecture places broadly defined performance above form-making ;it utilizes the digital technologies of quantitative and qualitative performance based simulation to offer a comprehensive new approach to the design of the built environment.
In this new information - and simulation driven design context ,the emerging paradigm of performance- based design is understood very broadly -its meaning spans multiple realms ,from financial,(the owner's perspective) ,spatial,social, and cultural to purely technical (structural,thermal,acoustical etc.)
''Paramorph'' by Mark Burry
Kunsthouse Graz,Austria ,architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier
The international terminal at waterloo Station in London (1993 ) by Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners, offers a clear demonstration of conceptual and developmental benefits afforded by the parametric approach to design.The building is essentially a 400 m long glass-clad train shed. with a 'tapering 'span that gradually shrinks from 50 m to 35 m .Its narrow sinuous plan is determined by the track layout and the difficult geometry of the site, which is the main source of the project's complexity and which gives such potency and significance to Grimshaw's design, especially its spectecular roof structure.
Parametriler geniş ihtimalleri tanımlayarak durağan olanın değişken olanla ve tekil olanın çoğunlukla yer değiştirmesiyle çok güçlü bir bağlamsallık sağlayabilir .Parametrileri kullanarak tasarımcılar birbirine eklemlenen şemanın çeşitli boyutlarının ilişkisinin ve uygulamalrını sonsuz sayıda benzer nesnelerini ,geometrik tezahürünü oluşturabilirler.Bu çeşitlilikler özel değerlerle belirlendiğinde özel örnekler sonsuz ihtimallerin potansiyelinden oluşturulur.
İnternational Terminal ,Waterloo Station :36 dimensionally different but identically configured three- pin bowstring arches.
Non-Eucledien Geometries
Acoustic Analysis of GLA Headquarters
Solar Analysis of GLA Headquarters
''bloby form is actually a deformed sphere,which has a 25 % smaller surface area than a cube of identical
volume,resulting in a reduced solar heat gain and heat loss through the building's skin. The cladding configuration was a direct outcome of the analysis of sunlight patterns throughout the year.
The GLA Headquarters (2002),London,UK,architect Foster and Partners
Architectural thinking throughout centuries was based firmly on Euclidean thought and Platonic solids ,neatly depicted in Le Corbusier's sketch in his book 'Vers une architecture' The cylinder ,pyramid , cube ,prism ,and sphere were not only the essential forms of the Egyptian ,Greek and Roman architecture ,as dryly observed by Le Corbusier but were also universal geometric ''primitives ''of the digital solid modeling software of the late century .
Mimari düşünce yüzyıllar boyunca Öklid düşüncesine ve platonik katılara dayanıyordu. Corbusier 'nin 'Bir mimarlığa doğru 'kitabındaki eskizlerde açıkça görülen silindir,piramit,küp,prizma ve küre sadece Mısır,Yunan ve Roma mimarlığının temel şekilleri değil aynı zamanda son yüzyılın dijital modelleme programlarında da temel şekiller başlığı altında evrensel olarak yer almaktadır.
Dynamics and Field of Forces
Non-Linearity Indeterminacy And Emergence
Inverse kinematics is used in the House Prototype in Long Island project,architect Greg Lynn
As Greg Lynn observed in Animate Form ,''its important for any parameter-based design that there be both the unfolding of an internal system and the infolding of contextual information fields.''Architectural form ,in other words ,is not only a manifestation of its internal ,parameter- driven relational logics, but it also has to engage and respond to dynamic ,often variable influences from its environmental and socio -economic context.Architectural form ,instead of being conceived as a stationary, inert construct, is conceptually a highly plastic ,mutable entity that evolves dynamically through its transformative interactions with external ,gradient forces. According to Lynn ,in place of a neutral abstract space, 'the context of design becomes an active abstract space that directs from within a current of forces that can be stored as information in the shape of the form.
Dijital üretim işlemi bağlamsal ,şekilsel ve tektonik araştırmalara ,ifade biçimlerine ve mimari şekilbilimine ,formun aciliyeti ve adapte edilebilirliğine odaklanarak yeni ufuklar açıyor.Vurgu şekil yapmaktan dijital tabanlı üretimin kasıtlı olarak getirdiği şekil bulmaya kayıyor.Formun gerçekliğinde durağan olan değişken olanla ve tekil olan çoğul olanla yer değiştirdi.
In his seminal projects, showcased in Animate Form,Lynn utilizes an entire repertoire of motion-based modelling techniques,such as keyframe animation,forward and inverse kinematics,dynamics (force fields),and particle emission .Kinematics,in its true mechanical meaning, is used to study the motion of an object or a hierarchical system of objects without consideration given to its mass or the forces acting on it.
The use of particle emission in the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York competition project ,architect Greg Lynn
It is precisely the ability of 'finding a form' through dynamic ,highly non-linear,indeterministic systems of organization that gives digital media a critical, generative capacity in design.Non-linear systems change indeterminately,continually producing new,unexpected outcomes.Their behaviour over time cannot be explained through an understanding of their constituent parts,because it is the complex web of interdependencies and interactions that define their operation.In addition, in non-linear systems,it is often the addition or subtraction of a particular kind of information that can dramatically affect its behaviour -in other words ,a small quantitative change can produce a disproportionally large qualitative effect.It is this inherent capacity for 'threshold' behaviour that assigns to non-linearity the qualities of emergent behaviour and infinite potential for change.
'Animate Form'da Greg Lynn'e göre ; '
The shape of a NURBS curve can be changed by interactively manipulating the control points ,weights and knots .
The introduction of digital modelling software into architectural design provided a departure from the Euclidean geometry of discrete volumes represented in Cartesian space and made possible the present use of 'topological' ,'rubber sheet' geometry of continious curves and surfaces that feature prominently in contemporary architecture.The highly curvilinear surfaces in the architecture of the digital avant-garde are described mathematically as NURBS ,which is an acronym that stands for Non-Uniform Rational B- Splines.What makes NURBS curves and surfaces particularly appealing is their ability to easily control their shape by interactively manipulating the control points ,weights and knots.
Varying the degree of a NURBS curve will produce different shapes.
Dijital modelleme programlarına mimari tasarımdaki giriş Kartezyen uzayda sunulan hacimlerden ve Öklid geometrisinden ayrılmayı sağladı ve yüzeysel ,kağıdın çağdaş mimarideki kalıcı niteliği olan sürekli eğriler ve yüzeylerin kullanımını mümkün kıldı. Yüksek oranda eğrisel yüzeyler NURBS olarak tanımlanır ve Eşit olmayan rasyonel tabanlı eğri olarak tanımlanır. NURBS eğrileri ve yüzeylerini özellikle çekici yapan şeykontrol noktaları sayesinde kolayca değiştirilebiliyor olmalarıdır.
Building and projects in general are conceived within a complex web of planning and building regulations (which are by no means fixed constructs ),various technical constrains ,environmental conditions ,such as sun,wind,precipitation ,etc. ,and are meant to operate in a highly dynamic socio-economic and political context ,which has its own 'force field' such as, for instance,numerous interest groups. Some of these influences could be quantified and their changes modeled in order to simulate past,and predict present and future,impact.
Eşit olmayan rasyonel tabanlı eğri.
NURBS :Non-uniform rational basis spline
Some extravagant claims were made,of course ,and some unreasonable expectations were projected,which is not surprising given the totalizing fashion with which the digital domain is embraced in certain academic circles.But speculative design work ,enabled by digital technologies,should at least provoke a healthy debate about the possibilities and challenges of the digital future.
Obviously ,the 'blobs ' will not have a significant impact on architecture's future if they are understood in formal terms alone, or if they are seen as utopian architectural visions,as already happened in the 1960's .The challenge for the profession is to understand the appearance
of the digitally-driven generative design and production technologies in a more fundamental way than as just tools for producing 'blooby' forms
Branko Kolarevic is a professor of architecture at the University of Calgary in Canada, where he holds the Chair in Integrated Design. He has lectured worldwide on the use of digital technologies in design and production and has taught since 1989 at several universities in North America and Asia. He is the past president of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) and is the recipient of the ACADIA 2007 Award for Innovative Research. He holds doctoral and master's degrees in design from Harvard University and a diploma engineer in architecture degree from the University of Belgrade.
What is Morphogenesis?
is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape.It is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology along with the control of cell growth and cellular differentiation.
Bir organizmanın büyüyüp şekil alması işlemidir.Gelişen biyolojinin hücre büyümesi ve farklılaşması ile birlikte 3 temel konusundan biridir.
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