Safety for citizens
2008, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1997, 1995, 1993, 1986-87, 1981?, 1979, 1978, 1976, 1975, 1967, 1963, 1955, 1953, 1951, 1948, 1946-47, 1932, 1929, 1928, 1927, 1925, 1922, 1912?, 1901, 1899?, 1898, 1897?, 1883, ?1880-81, 1865?, 1842, 1838, 1830, 1927-29, 1826, 1825, 1824, 1790?, ?1775-78
The biggest eruption caused by this volcano was in 1999 and starting in late June 1998, a swarm of low-frequency events was detected beneath the volcano. Observations of unusual activity at Shishaldin volcano began with a report by the US Coast Guard of steam and ash plumes “puffing” at 10-min intervals to about 30 m above the vent on November 5, 1998.
Luckily there are hardly any around here!
The eruptions/activities occur regularly at about 5 year intervals and are generally explosive.
Major precautions are not needed for safety because of its location
Because the nearest civilization is at least 32 km away, eruptions from this volcano don't have as big an effect on civilizations as other volcanoes. Most people continue to live close, but not too close, the town is not close enough to be disrupted by eruptions.
The nearest town is at least 32km to the east of Shishaldin in False Pass, Alaska; with a maximum population of about 100 people.
Currently in Alaska there is a website informing citizens about possible eruptions and any activity. There is also a spot for reported activity in case vulcanologist s miss it.
Bibliography/information credit
"Shishaldin Volcano description and information"
2857 meters
All pictures are from
Type: Stratovolcano/composite and has Strombolian eruptions and the occasional lava flow
Features: Shishaldin has 55 vents on the NW flank of the volcano, which consist of basaltic cinder cones and associated lava flows, 1 Small summit crater
Lava types: Basaltic, Pyroclastic flows are common
Formed at the ring of fire (convergent boundary)
NOTE: these websites are all very small so I used all the information available
Did you know that mount Shishaldin was partially formed by a glacier?
Phrase: "glacially eroded remnant of an ancestral soma and shield " - Alaska Volcano Observatory
Explanation: Once, a glacier was very close to the volcano and moved or melted, and carried away part of one of the sides forming an almost flawless cone
The Shishaldin Volcano
Located in False pass Unimak, Alaska.
Guy Tytgat measuring ash, after Shishaldin's 1999 eruptions.
April 23, 1999 12:00 AM
August 15, 2008 12:00 AM