Taft signed the bill in an attempt to preserve party unity
The debate over the tariff split the Republican Party into Progressives and Old Guards and led the split party to lose the 1910 congressional election.
In the 1912 presidential elections, because of the split votes amongst Republicans in most states, Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson was elected as president.
The bill greatly angered the Progressives
Progressives - (noun) A person advocating social reform or new, liberal ideas.
Impact of the Bill
President William Howard Taft
A bill lowering certain tariffs on goods entering the United States.
It was the first change in the
tariff laws since the
Dingley Act of 1897
called Congress into a special session in 1909. The House immediately passed a tariff bill sponsored by Sereno Payne ,
calling for reduced rates.
However the United States Senate passed
a bill written by Nelson Aldrich,
calling for fewer reductions and
more increase in tariff.
Representative Sereno E. Payne
Senator Nelson W. Aldrich
Another provision allowed for free trade with the Philippines, then under American control.
Congress passed the bill officially on
APRIL 09, 1909
By 1915, tobacco exports from the Philippines
to America had annually increased
as a result of the bill passing.
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