What is DRO, DRA, DRI, DRH, and DRL
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate of Behavior (DRL)
Differential Reinforcement of Other/Alternate Behaviors (DRO)
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (DRI)
This is the reinforcement of behaviors that will prevent the display of undesirable behaviors.
- This is highlighting the absence of undesirable behaviors.
- The pro's and con's are the same.
- Use this reinforcement when the behavior happens less.
- The pro's and con's are the same.
Problem: You have a few students who get out of their seats in between lectures to 'mess around' when they should be working.
Solution: Have all the students stand up and do some light stretches or jumping jacks before beginning the next lesson.
Problem: You have a student who gets out of their seat 10 times a day.
Solution: You noticed it went down to 7 times a day. So you might mention to the student, "Congratulations, you only left your seat 7 times today."
Problem: You have a student who yells out answers instead of raising their hand.
Solution: Catch them raising their hand. Say, "Thank you for raising your hand."
What do these Acronyms Stand for?
Sources and more information:
- Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors (DRI)
- Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors or Alternate Behaviors (DRO/DRA)
- Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates of Behavior (DRL)
- Differential Reinforcement of High Rates of Behavior (DRH)
- http://lemonlimeeducation.com/702/differential-reinforcement-dro-dri-drl-drh/
- http://appliedbehavioralstrategies.com/reinforcement-101.html
- http://education.purduecal.edu/Vockell/EdPsyBook/Edpsy10/edpsy10dra.htm
- LeGray, M., Dufrene, B., Mercer, S., Olmi, D., & Sterling, H. (2013). Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior in Center-Based Classrooms: Evaluation of Pre-teaching the Alternative Behavior. Journal Of Behavioral Education, 22(2), 85-102.
- Wilder, D., Myers, K., Nicholson, K., Allison, J., & Fischerti, A. (2012). The Effects of Rationales, Differential Reinforcement, and a Guided Compliance Procedure to Increase Compliance among Preschool Children. Education & Treatment Of Children (West Virginia University Press), 35(1), 111-122.
Differential Reinforcement of High Rates of Behavior
- Basically this is the same concept as DRL except that you are reinforcing the display of more frequent good behavior.
- Same Pro's and Con's
Problem: You have a student who eats with his hands, but has been using his fork more frequently at lunch time.
Solution: "Thank you for using your fork more than you did before."
Well First things first... They are all very similar
- Differential reinforcement is used to increase desired behaviors.
- Avoids punishment
- A positive way to reinforce behavior
But each has specific parameters that define how and when it is used
- We don't want our students to expect a reward or praise every time they do something good.
- The effects are only short term
- Doesn't work for all students
A Prezi by Janelle Forsman & Chelsey Milenkovich