Under the roof of Romulus
The Consuls
- After the death of Remus, Romulus established symbols of power and Senate.
- Romulus appointed 100 Senators.
- After the war against the Sabines, Romulus divided from one state to two where they shared the kingship.
- Rome doubled and hold all the power.
- Senators shared power between themselves, setting up groups of ten and appointing one man for each group to preside over the government.
- Only one had the insignia of command and the lictors; the command was limited to a period of five days and passed to all in rotation.
- Led the government.
- Led army and the judicial system.
- Served a term of only one year.
- Power over citizens.
- Power over officials.
Roman Republic
The Senate
- advised the consuls.
- Served for life.
- Financial affairs.
- With a hundred masters instead of one, the people wants a king chosen by them.
- Senate won the people's favor by granting them supreme power on such terms that they gave away no more of their privilege than they retained.
Consuls, Senate and People
The People
- Represented the Plebeians.
- Approved or rejected laws.
- Elected the consuls or magistrates.
- Declared war.
- citizens could take part in assemblies.
- Tribunes served for one year.
- Could Veto.
Roman Civilization Mind Map