Know your Purpose
Move Naturally
- In Blue zones people don't exercise as we do they simply move how they would any day
- farming, walking, hiking, running, lifting things all part of daily life and promotes longevity
- People who know why they wake up in the morning live up to seven years longer than those who don’t
- Motivation brings a longer more meaningful life
At Monmouth all the students could set goals at the beginning of the year with prizes so they will feel motivated when going to school
PE cold be more focused on doing activities that our ancestors would have performed in their own time
Works Cited
Family First
- Living in a thriving family is worth a half a dozen extra years of life expectancy.
- Blue zone residents invest time in their kids and keep their aging parents nearby = longer life
- "Can 'Blue Zones' Help Turn Back the Biological Clock?" NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 11 June 2015. <>.
- "How to Live to 100: Lessons from the Blue Zones | Live Your Legend." Live Your Legend. N.p., 28 Apr. 2010. Web. 11 June 2015. <>.
- Lloyd, Janice. "'Blue Zones' Author: 9 Secrets to Live a Long Life." USA Today. Gannett, 04 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 June 2015. <>.
Monmouth could have a parents day like college does. Introducing your family with others builds a strong sense of community.
Ten Reasons Why The Blue Zones Have So Many Old People
Slow down
Lower Stress Levels
- In the blue zones life is taken slow.
- Life is lived by the minute
- nothing is rushed = lower stress and a longer life
- Enjoying your work and meditating brings lower stress
- Less stress in the blue zones shows lower anger, higher levels of happiness, and longer lives
- Move Naturally
- Know your Purpose
- Lower Stress Levels
- 80% Rule
- Eat Plants
- Slow down
- Family First
- Close Friends
- Right Tribe/Community
- Have Faith
- Sleep
School could shorten its length of each period also the curriculum of each subject could go slower
Lower the amount of work load that each student has to complete in school. Sometimes quality of work is better than quantity and a less stressed student performs better.
Right Tribe
- People in the blue zones wake up and go to sleep as they please
- Friends have a long-term and measure impact on your health and longevity.
- Blue zone citizens increase their social circle to include healthy-minded, supportive people
- promotes longevity
Simple......Less Homework Equals More Sleep
Our school could participate in a school wide community project. Not only does this activity improve the community atmosphere but it also is a great friend building exercise
Eat Plants
80% Rule
Have Faith
- Cut 20% of your calories
- Eat a big breakfast rather than a large dinner
- eat with your family occurs much in blue zones = lower calorie intake
- Blue zone occupants eat mostly a plant-based diet heavy on beans, nuts and green plants.
- Helps them live longer
- All blue zones have a faith-based community.
- It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist. People who show up to their faith community four times a month live an extra 4-14 years.
Our lunch could offer vegetarian options for anyone who would wish to participate. The food should also be organic and fresh.
Lunch room food regulations could be put into place improving the quality of food and the quantity that is allowed to each student
Religion is not legal in public school but just a sense of community and togetherness is good. Our school should promote a life of home and school and build a strong sense of morals in all of us.
The Blue Zones in School
by Alexander PAlmieri