brittle star
Advantages and disadvantages
ophiactics savignyi
Advantages- Organisms reproduce anytime(doesnt need a mate) - One organism organism can reproduce ALOT of offspring(good for specie)
Disadvantages- Cants cape with a disease or negative environmental factor(all organisms are the same so if one dies they all die. Bad for species) -Any bad mutation will be passed on to all offspring.
Advantages- Because the genes are different, it is more likely that the species will survive a disease or eviromental factor.(gentic variation is good because it can prevent the entire species from being wiped out)
Disadvantages-Must find opposite gamete to reproduce. (can be difficult if male and female are made in 2 separate bodies)
sexual/ asexual/ or both?
the brittle star is both
interesting fact;
basic explanation of reproductive stragedy/ life cycle
They are small like an inch or two with arms stretched. They have a central disc, which holds all the important stuff. There arms are long slender, wavy, and wedged.
Sexual- The male and female, every once in awhile raise their disks and release sperm and egg into the ocean that then meet and float away to a new habitat.
Asexual- It splits down the middle to reproduce. It creates 2 identical-3 armed brittle star. Then they grow new arms in the blank spot.
Number of offspring reproduced
they reproduce many.