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Macbeth: Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair

Macbeth: "Had I but died an hour before this chance / I had lived a blessed time" (2.3.86-87)

Lady Macbeth: "Had he not resembled / My father as he slept, I had done't" (2.2.12-13)

Macbeth: "Is this a dagger which I see before me, / The handle pointing toward my hand?" (2.1.33-34)


  • Macbeth imagines a bloody dagger pointing towards the King's chamber moments before killing Duncan


  • Macbeth does not know if the dagger in front of him is just an illusion or real

Dramatic Significance:

  • Develops character
  • Macbeth's character grows guilt and becomes weaker


  • Lady Macbeth and Macbeth meet after Macbeth successfully kills King Duncan


  • Lady Macbeth is not able to kill Duncan herself
  • Appears brave to Macbeth but, is weak herself

Dramatic Significance:

  • Provides irony
  • Lady Macbeth has put down Macbeth for not being able to kill Duncan
  • She is also weak


  • Macbeth learns that King Duncan has been murdered


  • Macbeth says he would have lived a blessed life if he died before Duncan

Dramatic Significance:

  • Provides irony
  • Macbeth appears shocked that the King has died but, in reality he is happy

Act Two

Scene One


  • Macbeth hallucinates, imagining a dagger before him

Character Analysis

Scene Two

Macbeth: "So foul and fair a day I have not seen." (1.3.36)

Witches: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" (1.1.12)

Macbeth: "False face must hide what false heart doth know" (1.7.82)

Macbeth: "Stars, hide your fires; / Let not light see my black and deep desires" (1.4.52-53)

  • Lady Macbeth admits that she could not kill Duncan because he looks like her father


  • The three witches approach Macbeth and Banquo after a war


  • Three witches meet together
  • Plan when and where to meet Macbeth

Act One


  • Day is 'fair' because Scotland has just won a battle against Norway
  • Many soldiers have died and the weather is bad, the day is also 'foul'


  • Things are not what they appear to be
  • What appears good can be evil and vice versa


  • Lady Macbeth and Macbeth meet to discuss the witches prophecies


  • The two plan to deceive King Duncan by acting friendly

Dramatic Significance:

  • Advances plot
  • Macbeth is set on murdering Duncan
  • Provides irony
  • Duncan does not know the Macbeth's intentions
  • Creates pathos
  • Feel pity for the honorable King


  • Duncan has just announced that his son, Malcolm, is the prince of Cumberland


  • Macbeth is secretive about his intentions to become king
  • Does not want the "tiniest shred of light" to show his desires

Dramatic Significance:

  • Reveals character
  • Macbeth thinks about murder
  • Creates interest
  • "What will Macbeth do next?"

Dramatic Significance:

  • Provides irony
  • Similar to Witches' chant, Macbeth is already affected without the knowledge that he is

Dramatic Significance:

  • Reveals central theme of the play
  • Appearance vs Reality
  • Foreshadows something bad is about to occur
  • Something 'fair' will become 'foul' (Macbeth)
  • Paradox: fair to foul

The witches give Macbeth his prophecies (1.3.49-51)

  • Small truths are given, Macbeth is deceived

The Three Witches

Scene One


Scene Three

  • The Three Witches plan to meet with Macbeth to plot the idea of him being King

Act One

  • Macbeth pretends to be sorry for King Duncan when he learns that he has died

  • He is outraged when told that the throne will be passed on to Duncan's son, Malcolm

  • Secretive of intentions to become King

Act One

Scene Three

  • Macbeth is given his prophecies
  • The Weird Sisters meet the tragic hero, Macbeth, for the first time
  • They give Macbeth prophecies
  • Witches change the way Macbeth speaks
  • The Three Witches give Macbeth and Banquo their prophecies

Act Two

  • Must act friendly towards Duncan to avoid suspicion that he wants to kill

  • Frames Duncan's aides so that he can get away with murder

  • Acts surprised the next morning when informed that the King has died

"Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair"

Act Three

Scene Four

  • The murder of King Duncan

Appearance versus Reality

  • Macbeth is secretive about his intentions to become king
  • The Witches and Hecate decide to give Macbeth false illusions

Act Three

  • Deceitful, Macbeth continues his web of lies, lying to Banquo and blaming Duncan's murder on his sons

  • Macbeth becomes obssessed with the propechies of Banquo and decides to get rid of him

  • At this point, Macbeth can longer go back to his innocent life, and must maintain his deceptive self to appeal to others and assert his false rule


Scene Seven

Lady Macbeth: "My lord is often thus / And hath been from his youth" ( 3.4.53-54)

Macbeth: "We hear our bloody cousins are bestowed / In England and Ireland, not confessing / To their cruel parricide" (3.1.30-32)

Hecate: "As by the strength of their illusion / Shall draw him on to his confusion" (3.5.28-29)

Macbeth: "That it was he, in the times past, who held you / So under fortune" (3.1.78-79)

Act Three

  • The murder of Banquo

Act Four


  • Macbeth hires two hitmen to murder Banquo and his son, Fleance


  • The murderers are poor because of Banquo

Dramatic Significance:

  • Provides irony
  • Macbeth is lying to the hitmen so that Banquo dies


  • At the banquet, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo


  • Lady Macbeth covers up his behavior telling their guests he has been like this since youth

Dramatic Significance:

  • Macbeth hides the fact that he has killed Banquo


  • Macbeth tells Banquo that Duncan's sons are guilty


  • Duncan's sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, have fled to hide the fact that they killed the King

Dramatic Significance:

  • Provides irony
  • Macbeth is guilty of killing Banquo, tries to blame/frame Malcolm and Donalbain


  • Hecate plans to mess with Macbeth's ego because he has been ungrateful


  • Along with the witches, she will give Macbeth false prophecies (apparitions)

Dramatic Significance:

  • Giving Macbeth false illusions will complete the tragic hero's downfall

  • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plot King Duncan's murder
  • First appears in Act 1 Scene 1

Scene One

  • The Witches show Macbeth three apparitions.

Act Four

  • Macbeth uses the Witches' supernatural powers for self desires and ambition

  • The Witches provide Macbeth with false illusions (apparitions)

  • Believing these apparitions, it provides Macbeth with a sense of security for his position as King
  • Macbeth continues to blame Macolm and Donalbain for the murder of Duncan
  • Macbeth plans to kill Banquo next, he hires two murderers
  • Manipulates murderers into killing Banquo
  • Theme is introduced by the three Witches
  • Macbeth meets with the Witches for a second time

Scene Four

  • Macbeth feels untouchable

  • His ego is based on what he knows to be true, but not on the knowledge of what is truly going to happen

  • His inevitable death is caused by his pride and gullibility

Act Five


“You see, her eyes are open. / Ay, but their sense is shut.” (5. 1. 23-24)

“Life’s but a walking shadow, … It is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.” (5. 5. 23, 25-27)

“As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends, / I must not look to have, but, in their stead, / Curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honor” (5. 3. 25-27)

Act Five

  • Hecate and the Witches decide to give the tragic hero false hope and courage
  • "When the battle's lost and won" and "Fair is foul and foul is fair" are the most significant quotes in this act
  • Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo
  • Lady Macbeth tells their guests that Macbeth's behaviour is "normal"


Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking as her gentlewoman and doctor watch her


Lady Macbeth's eyes are open while she's sleeping, but they do not see.

Dramatic Significance:

Lady Macbeth has lost her ability to be calm; cannot deceive anyone anymore


Macbeth has just heard of his wife's passing


Macbeth contemplates how life itself is just a mere illusion. In the end when we all die, life is worthless

Dramatic Significance:

Tragic Recognition - Macbeth is broken. He has lost everything and everyone and is left with nothing but his title.


Macbeth is getting ready for the rebellion against him


Macbeth sees that he is not surrounded by people who love him

Dramatic Significance:

Tragic Recognition - Macbeth realizes that the life he has dreamt of might not be what he wanted after all

  • The false apparitions created by the witch created false courage in Macbeth
  • The Weird Sisters give Macbeth and Banquo three prophecies that become true throughout the play
  • Macbeth is blindsided and is ultimately brought down

Scene One

  • This scene confirms the tragic downfall of Macbeth

Scene Five

  • Lady Macbeth sleepwalks at night and unknowingly, she reveals her secrets
  • Appearances are deceptive
  • What may appear "fair" and good is in reality, "foul" and evil
  • Hecate plans to trick Macbeth with false illusions to complete downfall

Scene Three


  • People begin to realize that Macbeth is evil
  • Macbeth continues to be deceived by the Three Witches

Lady Macbeth

"It is myself I mean, in whom I know All the particulars of vice so grafted That, when they shall be opened, black Macbeth Will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state Esteem him as a lamb, being compared With my confineless harms." (4.3.51-56)

First Apparition: "Beware Macduff. / Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough" (4.1.71-72)

Second Apparition: "...for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth" (4.1.80-81)

Third Apparition: "Macbeth shall never be vanquished until / Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill / Shall come against him" (4.1.92-94)

"Wisdom! To leave his wife, to leave his babes, His mansion and his titles in a place From whence himself does fly? He loves us not; He wants the natural touch. For the poor wren, The most diminutive of birds, will fight, Her young ones in her nest, against the owl. All is the fear and nothing is the love, As little is the wisdom, where the flight So runs against all reason." (4.2.6-14)


Act Four

  • Malcom is testing Muduff's loyalty towards him by tell him that he himself would be worse than Macbeth


  • Lady Mucduff conversates with Rose about her husband



  • The three Witches give Macbeth false illusions


  • Macbeth will never be harmed by anyone or anything

Dramatic Significance:

  • Boost Macbeth's ego, will have a tragic downfall
  • Malcom tells Mucduff that if he came to power, Macbeth's evil deeds would seem nothing compared to his
  • Lady Mucduff feels that her husband was so wise that he left his wise and kids

Scene Five

Dramatic purpose:

  • This quote develops the character of Lady Macduff
  • This develops the Character of Malcolm

Act One

Scene One

  • Characters must be able to know the difference between good and bad
  • The witches gives Macbeth prophecies also known as the three apparitions
  • Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to fool Duncan by acting friendly before they kill him.
  • Macbeth says that life is just an illusion
  • Duncan's assasination, an act that Macbeth thought was good, has caused him to lose friends, family and love

Scene Two

"Look like an innocent flower/ But be the serpent under't." 1.5 56-58

  • Lady Macduff thinks that Macduff has betrayed them

Scene Eight

Act Two

Scene Three

  • Macbeth’s big demise: Macbeth finally meets Macduff
  • Lady Macbeth says she would have killed Duncan if he had not looked like her father.
  • Malcolm tests Mucduff by telling him that he himself would be way worse than Macbeth

“And be these juggling fiends no more believed, ... That palter with us in a double sense, / That keep the word of promise to our ear, / And break it to our hope.” (5. 8. 17, 20-22)

“I pull in resolution and begin / To doubt th' equivocation of the fiend / That lies like truth. ‘Fear not, till Birnam wood / Do come to Dunsinane”; and now a wood / Comes toward Dunsinane’.” (5. 5. 41-44)

"If Duncan/ hadn’t reminded me of my father when I saw him sleeping, I would have killed/ him myself."2.2 13-15


Macduff has just revealed that he is not of woman born but he is a C-section baby


Macbeth comes into realization that the Witches have lied to him.

Dramatic Significance:

His security and hope has finally been diminished. Macbeth comes crashing down in his ego.


A messenger informs Macbeth that Birnam Wood seems to be moving


At last Macbeth has finally planted the first seed of doubt about the Witches' apparitions

Dramatic Significance:

The Witches are successful at fooling Macbeth and now he is doomed

Act Five

  • Lady Macbeth acts normal in public but we know the guilt is getting to her by her sleep walking and the dreams she has like not being able to wash the blood off

Theme Significance


Fair is foul controls the narrative of the play itself by foreshadowing the tragedy of the play, and revealing the true nature of its main characters.

(*example of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's effort to try and hide their murderous crimes)

It highlights the duality of moral decisions in which characters must choose what to do based on situations that is given to them. (*example of Macbeth and the prophecies/apparitions)

Quote #3

Quote #1

“Those he commands move only in command, / Nothing in love.”

"look like th' innocent flower, /

But be the serpent under ’t."

Quote #5

Spot the Speaker !

"there, the murderers, /

Steeped in the colors of their trade, their daggers /

Unmannerly breeched with gore.

* examples are only referenced in the script, not in the actual slide, do not include these in the final draft

Quote #4

Quote #2

"As by the strength of their illusion /

Shall draw him on to his confusion."

“You see, her eyes are open. /

Ay, but their sense is shut.”

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