- Compile and Share data with staff at faculty meeting.
- Take top three items that were most repeated to guide your plan of action. “Big Rocks” to measure and track progress.
- Set measurable goals with parents and guardians. ie: “Wayward Pines Elementary PTA will create and action plan to best support staff and students by...with 100% participation, by September 15”.
Cultural Proficiency Action Plan
A: Plan of Action for Teachers:
- Give Anonymous survey to staff asking key questions about climate. (Include question about one thing you’d like to change and how can the staff make this happen.
- Compile and Share data with staff at faculty meeting.
- Take top three items that were most repeated to guide your plan of action. “Big Rocks” to measure and track progress.
- Set measurable goals with staff. ie: “Wayward Pines Elementary will have 100% of it’s staff complete sensitivity training by September 15”.
- Create an Action team with a representative from each grade level to field questions, and pass along concerns to administrative team.
D: Plan of Action for Parents:
C: Plan of
Action for Students:
- Create a Student led Action team with a representative from each grade level to field questions, and pass along concerns to administrative team.
- Have Student led action team work on a plan to create “Multicultural Week Activities” Can work closely with the Staff Action team. This week will be used to highlight the many cultures present at the school, sharing background, and displaying what’s special about that culture.
- Give Anonymous survey to students asking key questions about climate. (Include question about one thing you’d like to change and how can the staff & students make this happen.
- Compile and Share data with staff at faculty meeting, then have Action Team & PTA create visual reminders such as poster and bulletin boards for the school’s visual reminder.
- Poll parents for specifics on climate. These can be done at a PTA meeting (not an open forum style) so as not to incite riots or shouting matches. This can also be sent home in a hard copy or digital form depending on the tech savvy nature of parents. (Include question about one thing you’d like to change and how can the staff make this happen.)
- Take top three items that were most repeated to guide your plan of action. “Big Rocks” to measure and track progress.
- Set measurable goals with staff. ie: “Wayward Pines students will have 100% of it’s students complete some form of student centered sensitivity training by September 15.”
- Plan a Multicultural Night to end the week long Multicultural Week planned by students and staff action team. Could be attached to Fall Festival so no extra expense is had.
B: Steps to Take with Staff to reach Cultural Proficiency:
- Place Visual reminders in common areas of goals being tracked and worked on.
- Track Data and have regular check-in (weekly- bi-weekly) with action team to get feedback from each grade level on progress.
- Cultural Potluck each month choosing a region that represents your staff’s current population first, then branch out to parents and student’s cultures.
- Staff Wide (including paraprofessionals) Sensitivity Training.
Jessica Winston
Edna Taylor
EDAD 5351 Principal as Diversity Leader
Concordia University